Any fast way to raise soil Ph?


Well-Known Member
Have been slowly transitioning into spending winters in Thailand, and we (a buddy and me) are now in a position where we can grow at his place. Why grow your own in Thailand? All the legends of Thai stick notwithstanding, all we have found to score safetly is Pai Brown, which is worse than 70's dirt weed, only slightly better than nothing. Also safer to grow where we live than buy. Pai Brown is a 6 hour bus ride away. Risk there, too.

Buddy left ahead of me and took all the seeds to get them started. Long story short, after they all sprouted and died, I convinced him to check soil Ph and it's 3. He's already located some lime and that's started, but...

We're in serious danger of a winter of Pai Brown. Are there any other reasonably organic additives besides lime that can quickly raise Ph?

Thanks in advance for any ideas. Replacement seeds ordered arrived safely (first attempt), so ready to start anew once the soils are dialed in.


Active Member
Bonemeal, crushed oyster shells, hardwood ashes are all good ways to raise pH. None seem to work as quick as lime imo. +rep to you and your massive set of testicles, I wouldn't even risk smoking the Pai Brown in Thailand!


Well-Known Member
lol. I'm a 5'2" chick, but I am very ballsy. :-) Been hanging in Thailand as often and as long as possible since 1987. Aside from a very remote beach resort I've been going for a long time, only smoke at my place or @ 2 other pals and NEVER mention it outside our circle. Should also disclose I'm an age where "protective coloration" has kicked in. Also an Ajarn (teacher) in central Thailand, not hanging out on Kao Sohn Road.

The secret to stealth travel is protective coloration. Fit in. As a Western traveler in Asia, look very respectable. Amazing what you can pull off with that costume.


Well-Known Member
Bonemeal, crushed oyster shells, hardwood ashes are all good ways to raise pH. None seem to work as quick as lime imo. +rep to you and your massive set of testicles, I wouldn't even risk smoking the Pai Brown in Thailand!
Thanks! We need both short term for this season and long term for the future. The soil is a red, coarse grain, river bank sand.

Composting last year was a huge fiasco. I live 2 blocks from a major river and had cute little Thai rats beating a path to my door. Had also fattened my Thai kitty to where she wasn't at all interested in doing her job. Neighbors were very kind and chalked it all up to Western eccentricities.


Active Member
lol. I'm a 5'2" chick, but I am very ballsy. :-) Been hanging in Thailand as often and as long as possible since 1987. Aside from a very remote beach resort I've been going for a long time, only smoke at my place or @ 2 other pals and NEVER mention it outside our circle. Should also disclose I'm an age where "protective coloration" has kicked in. Also an Ajarn (teacher) in central Thailand, not hanging out on Kao Sohn Road.

The secret to stealth travel is protective coloration. Fit in. As a Western traveler in Asia, look very respectable. Amazing what you can pull off with that costume.
Sounds idyllic, you obviously know the area very well. I have to say your scene sounds so much better than the one my friends describe when they return from Thailand.

Baking soda raises PH & Vinegar lowers PH.
Can't believe I didn't suggest baking soda, meh, I guess it's still early in the day here and my coffee hasn't quite kicked in!


Well-Known Member
Sounds idyllic, you obviously know the area very well. I have to say your scene sounds so much better than the one my friends describe when they return from Thailand.

Travel in Thailand is like travel anywhere. You find what you're looking for. If your friends went to Bangkok and Chiang Mai, that's like going to Mazatlan and Acapulco and saying you've been to Mexico. So much more of both countries, but it requires a lot of time and visits to truly see the culture.


Active Member
My friends, sadly, aren't going to see the culture. They go for the sex on tap.

...I really need new friends.


Well-Known Member
Lime it first for a long tern solution. Then woodash it for a short term fix.......just go easy with the woodash, a little can go along ways...


Well-Known Member
My friends, sadly, aren't going to see the culture. They go for the sex on tap.

...I really need new friends.
They aren't alone. Plenty of other Americans, Aussies, Brits, Germans Belgians, and other creepy pasty white guys lusting right along with them. Amusing to watch the first timers arrive! But, despite the infamous rep in the West, it's a very tiny part of the real Thailand. Thank god.


Well-Known Member
I know this is old, but I second cowboylogic,
Wood Ashes. They are very alkaline and a little goes a long way. The alkalinity WILL move into the soil if used as a top dressing OR if "dissolved" into some water. Also, great source of K. In order for the ashes to work, they need to be fairly new and not from a 3 year old bon fire.


how the hell did the soil get a ph of 3 thats more ascidic than straight viniger , hell that might burn skin.