any guesses on harvest amount for this??


Well-Known Member
the best i had right now he was right there were 3 i wanted to put another shot up, seeing how your first grow was in january according to your first post on rollitup ....
shouldnt believe everything you read. Do you really think alot of what I say that pretains to my personal information or growing history is correct? Hell no its not. Where I live its still a crime and I'm not gonna give any real or pertinent info regarding how long/how much I actually grow.That post was merely an effective way to introduce myself and nothing more. wasnt trying to impress anyone.Nor would have been dumb enough to ask whats my yield from a couple close up pictures of 4 week old buds. Im not a commercial farmer by any means, but I also dont grow just enough for myself. The only crap I say on here that is true, is when I do give an honest answer to real questions.


Well-Known Member
honestly bigsix after all this i dont really care about what anything you say pretains to anymore go help others that need your to help them grow cabbage at the rabbit farm


Well-Known Member
well i am not sure about yeild...i read big bud is massive yeilds so should be interesting.......i imagine a nice dry weight close to an elbow good luck:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
big bud will harvest around 550 grams dry per sq meter in sog(sea ot green) setup medium high isa heavy plant will def need suport when buds get heavy


Well-Known Member
yea dude i am going to guess you will get about 2 lbs considering its in soil and the light facts....................and oh yea i almost forgot bigsix your a ho