any help please


hi i need help to find out whats wrong with my baby.
its 5 and half weeks into flowering.
growing in soil dont know what the nutrants are but the grow and bloom i use. and been told they are fine from a friend.
400w bulb and temps between 86 and 69.
sorry the pics are shit.
plus one more thing its the only plant from 7 doing this plus it smells of rotten egg.


Well-Known Member
i think better pictures w/o the light on will get you a more detailed response. Along w/ you figuring out what kind of nutes you are using how often you have watered and what your ph in/out is.
i think better pictures w/o the light on will get you a more detailed response. Along w/ you figuring out what kind of nutes you are using how often you have watered and what your ph in/out is.
agreed. also those temps are too high imo. what kind of soil? looks like you'll have to start supplementing with bloom nutes, and cal mag