Any help to prepare me for 2010.


Hello everyone. I have many questions to ask as this will be my first grow. I will be doing an outdoor grow of approximately 15 plants. I live in Ontario as well. I have my spot marked out and everything. I have planned to start by growing the plants under a florescent light and then transplant them into soil. I would like to know what the cycle is and what the temperature of the room should be for the first couple of weeks with them. I would like to know things like what is the best soil to use. (I was thinking organic super soil) and if i should use miracle grow as well. I also know that rodents and bugs may be a problem seeing as my plants will be in a clearing in the middle of a forest. I am thinking of using chicken wire to protect the plants from deer, but i am not too sure what to do about the bugs. My cousin suggested using beer to attract the slugs to it instead, but i will only be able to access my plants about once a week. I have a mixed batch of outdoor seeds that i got from BC. I would also like to know how long i should keep them inside until transplanting them and when i should start growing them. Thank you for looking at my post, any help would be greatly appreciated.
:leaf:Be easy and keep smokin :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Im not a pro but ive had 3 happy out door grows heres what i did, {an will do agin) . 18 \ 4 HRs light cylcle for my seedlings. A 2 ft wire fence around seedlings to keep out jack rabbits.
I start em im jiffy peat pellets one month before the frost ends wich is april 20th here. An trans plant em out door after hadenig them for a week . I use local soil with peat moss to help hold watter, I always do thing cheeply , Jiffy fertilizer foliar fed with a water bottle on leaves, some time release fertilizer in soil, .
Plastic liner under the roots to hold in water, an plastc tarp aroud the plant with cover to hold in water tell u visit next week (also look for irrigated corn fields an research em the summer before).
For organic stuff ive tried.... for deer i would piss all over my garden an bring dog shit to scare em away longer. worked 100% but it could have just been luck.
I tried the tobbaco juice bug killer spray once it kinda sux, this year illl buy some pesticides at the store. Rember no pecticides once they are flowering.


Active Member
those lights are fine to start off with.thats what i use for 6 weeks before i put them outside and keep your lights close like 2 inches away from the tops.just make sure there is no chance of frost.use a light soil for your seeds then when you move them outside you can use a soil like foxfarm ocean forest or make your a lot research on outside growing threads,i have looked at over 600 pages of threads on outside growing form here and learned so much that way it is amazing.thanks to everybody im ready to take growing to the next level.