Any help with flowering -- slow bud growth?


These are random seeds (probably not the greatest genetics) I popped three (3) in about 2 1/2 months ago. I let them veg for about 5 weeks, and they've now been flowering for about 5 weeks. They got a little too tall for my comfort, but whatever. I have a 200w CFL (2700k for flower) as well as a 150w HPS. I also have the room air and humidity controlled at 75f / 60 rh with fresh air being brought in via intake. I give nutes / water every 2-3 days, full strength and pH is around 6.5-7. Plants seem to not be stressin, so I feed away. I did a little LST because of their height, but not much. The pots are a little on the small end because I didn't expect them to get this tall / large. I used a 30/70 mix of FoxFarm LW and OF.

Everything seems fine, plant health wise. I just feel like they're budding way too slow for being 5 weeks into flower, but maybe not. Was wondering if anyone had any comments, or suggestions, to help me out. Is this on track for 5 weeks with a soil plant? Is my lighting a little weak? Are the pots too small? What can I do at this point to increase bud growth...

My next grow, im throwin out my 200 CFL and 150 HPS and getting a single 250w HPS (closet grow 2x4). I'm also thinking about going back to my DWC grows that I did before. Much more annoying to maintain than soil, but I felt the results were much better than soil.

Any insight / ideas please? Thanks :)

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Well-Known Member
Those plant's are great!! just be patient and let the girl's get tall and full!!make sure you give a little cal-mg at this time!! and enjoy them take's an avg 8-10 week's don't rush!! DWC VS Soiless?? I'd take the soiless as it make's in my eye's a better tasting bud...they will go through a streech for about two week's,opening phase, then Bud swell another 6 week's, then the finishing phase 1-2 week's.....don't take early as you will loose at one week early 20% of quality (resin) and 10% yield.....go by color of tric's..NICE GROW my friend!!!almost there...jack


Thanks for the reply. I'll pickup some cal-mg, I don't have any in my arsenal anyway. Quick question since you brought up the color of trics. I've read that you should harvest when they're turning milky, and other people said wait until they're amber. I've read conflicting things everywhere on tric color. I do have a 30x mag, but what do you say regarding trics? When is time? I always caution on the side of letting them flower longer if I'm unsure rather than chopping, I'm pretty patient :) although i've been taking resin hits the past week from a couple pieces i have cuz im fresh out, pretty gross, i know im fiending :( lol


Well-Known Member
You'll find trich. preferences vary, I like about 25% amber myself. Alot of people pinch and smoke before she's all done as well. I think about it this way, if I'm making a meal I'm tasting my ingredients as I go, not in great amount but I like to have a good idea of what I'm serving. Good Luck, looks good.


Well-Known Member
Also you should be happy with the 250hps, check out the 250w club in the indoor section. It's a nice step up from what you have, you can find 250w that throw 30,000 lumens, I've seen some at 28,000. I'm 3x3 with 250 and 1 girl at a time, next go at it I'm going to be doing more than supercropping as to create a better canopy.


Well-Known Member
first you need a lot more light. second, those look like almost all sativa and may take 14+ weeks to finish.


Well-Known Member
Those thin leaves are what is indicative of the sativa geko26, superstoner1 is right it's going to be a long finish time. I wish I had my first bagseed back, it was Sativa, I could do wonders with it now from what I've learned here!