any help?


Well-Known Member
:confused:first off im new to the scene of growing but ive smoked it for years so i just recently went to the cannibus club and i i bought 3 plants 2 super skunk and 1 white widow, i have them on 18 hours light and 6 hours dark im using a miracle grow soil not sure some cheap stuff and some stuff called dynamite fertalizer, im watering my plants around the time the top of the soil is really dry, i just switched them over from 24 hours light to 18/6 im using about a 3ft tall cabinet i got fom home depot and 2 120w plant lites along with two lil 50 watt lights for my lil ones that seem to be working great for now as they are growing tall fast , any suggestions on anything i could change up to make my set up better and grow and be more healthier ???also i have a vent cut into the side with a fan blowing air from a window in and a temp and humidity reader

im looking around to find a water ph tester kit anyone know where i could find one easily? if so id like to pick that up today so i dont gotta worry about my shit



Well-Known Member
try getting some perlite in that soil mix....
it'll allow more O2 to get to the roots making your plants grow healthier


Well-Known Member
also im looking to find a place that would sell a ph tester where can i get one of the liquid test kit? anyone know of a place that would sell them? i dont want to pull the plants out of the pots again, i got the wrong soil but if it doesnt work out with this operation ill switch over next time these are only clones except the ones i sprouted in the pics ill be adding more pics weekly


Well-Known Member
here are updated pics as of today

super skunk from the club age i have no idea its in a rock wool cube the smaller one is also a super skunk the larger pot is a white widow should the stem be purple?


Well-Known Member
the plants i grew were muchhhhh shorter than your light too far away? seems like theyre just growing really tall trying to get to the light


Well-Known Member
the lights are about 3/4 a foot away from the plants i just recently moved them closer and mae my watering times further apart as i was watering often. id love the help guys if you could help me out with my first grow


Well-Known Member
this set up is just for temp use, also i have a question on the dark stages of its growth is flowering if im not correct, correct me please but your not supposed to let any light in correct? if thats true why do i hear people talking about using lights when they are flowering? im just confused if anyone could help thanks


New Member
Can you take a pic of your lights?, I'm curious what your using
You should also put each plant in it's seperate pot or you'll have problems later

to bloom a plant you put in a 12 hours on and 12 hours off cycle, and yes it needs complete dark during hours off.


Well-Known Member
i see you r in cali . depending on where you are i was wondering if you got those from a club in oakland as ive seen those there and wondered how they were


Well-Known Member
no they are from northern cali, i just purchased a ph tester and ph up and ph down so i can give the plant its correct ph the plants are sleeping right now but around 4 ill be able to put up new pics and the plants are in seperate pots just the lil ones in the big pot till they have enough roots showing then i transplant them, dont forget this is my first time growing and im probably not doing all this correct so help is always appreciated


Well-Known Member
i also originally purchased those lights, but after some quick questions on here i found out they suck. get cfls. theyre right around the same price, if not cheaper, and produce less heat. they also promote growth much better than those... those lights are more for promoting more vibrant colors for indoor flowers and shit i think.......could be wrong though.

but i'm pretty sure those are incandescent bulbs, which you dont want to use for several reasons


Well-Known Member
You're going to want more than 2 cfl's. They're cheap though and you can buy y adapters for about $1 that allow you to plug 2 into a single outlet. The bulbs are pretty cheap, they're the spirally looking energy efficient ones.

Also, I think you might be confused on the whole flowering thing. You want to start with either your lights on for 18 hours and off 6 or just on 24 hours everyday. This makes the plant think it's spring and it will produce vegetative growth. Once your plants have grown bigger, you switch the lights to 12 on 12 off and it produces buds, or balls if you're unlucky :( hope that helps!

Farm Friend

Well-Known Member
Kinda off topic...but I saw WhiteWidowSuperSkunk you are in Northern CA. I am too... Do you go to the dispensaries? I am curious if any of them have clones? They don't give info out over the phone. I suppose I should just go in and ask, but just curious if you know? Thanks.