Any idea what these holes are from?


Well-Known Member
All of my plants are looking super healthy and doing great though on one of my plants there are some holes in the leaves. Its only on these two leaves and no where else on the plant or any of my other plants. Using a bubbleponics system with an oscillating fan that is on the oppisite side of the plant which has the holes. My temp stays at a constant 75F, PH at a constant 5.6. No spots or anything anywhere just these holes.

Note: don't mind the bends or drooping of plants I just finished super cropping.

So what caused this, how can I prevent it, and should I removed the leaves?



Active Member
in my experience it happens from handling the leaves. i never notice until afterwards when a small tear grows and starts browning like that..
thats what it looks like to me, unless youve seen bugs or something.
i have removed all these damaged leaves