Any idea what this is?

Dyers Maker

Active Member
Just found one in a bud that had a viscus material. Ive been fighting spider mites for 3 weeks now and it seemed under control till i found a weird bud at the bottom of the plant and this.....


Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
can that be the reason o my viscus bud?
LOL... ok.. the definition of the word viscus is: an internal organ of the body, one(as the heart, liver or intestine) located in the great cavity of the trunk proper.

Perhaps you meant the word Viscous... which means: having a sticky quality? If so, then I'd say that has nothing to do with the caterpillar (or whatever it was) you found and more to do with the standard development of resin on the bud/plant. In other words... the stickier the better ;)

Dyers Maker

Active Member
thats what i meant

im typing faster than i think

it looked like a slight webbing but i hope its just from a sticky bud


Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
thats what i meant

im typing faster than i think

it looked like a slight webbing but i hope its just from a sticky bud

Ahh... I didn't see the webbing in the picture. If there is obvious webbing then that is NOT from the resin of the plant. Is it thick tight webbing like a cocoon or a finely designed web like a spider? Can you mist it with water and take a snapshot? Water makes the web stand out more.


Dyers Maker

Active Member

actually my miticide says every 7 to 14 days
ive been doing every 7 but i think they are immune to it(ive read that it can happen)

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
here it is
Yep... definitely a web or cocoon ... I can't really tell from that picture... but I'm leaning towards web. I'm guessing it's the spider mites webbing. Do you have a microscope? You need to get in and take a magnified look at what's going on.

Dyers Maker

Active Member
nope no microscope
but i bet its mites, ive seen them under the leaves(well more like their little yellow eggs. But today i think i saw adults( if thats what they where)

Any idea on what to do, im near my third week of flowering???


Active Member
Not saying its not the mites, but in my yard we have caterpillers like yours that spin MASSIVE cocoons in tree branches. So I could see it being the caterpiller.
When i say massive I mean it, I saw one once the size of a footballhad to be 10,000 pillers in there. /shudder

Dyers Maker

Active Member
thats also a possibility since the caterpillar was found in that bud
but the mites are there two

any remedies for spider mites during flowering?


Well-Known Member
If you're gonna need to spray in early flower, ya best getter done a.s.a.p. to allow the chems to dissipate.