Any idea what this substance may have been?


Well-Known Member
I bought these blotters off a buddy, it was 50 dollars for a ten strip. At first glance I thought it was LSD, so I said FUCK YES. Bought it immediately. Well once I put it on my tongue it was this weird blotter paper first of all, tasted like shit, had a terrible body load for about 20 minutes. But then it went away and was absolute BLISS.

I hadnt had that much fun since the last time I did 25c, which then reminded me that they sell blotters of 25c on a vendor I buy from. They were about 250 for a sheet. My friend told me it was 250 for a sheet. So I guess it makes sense it was 25c nBOME. But honestly it is the best rc I have messed with besides some various tryptamines.

I HIGHly reccomend 25c nBOME, its like an artists dream.

3 hits was wayyyy to much. Two had me so I couldnt see my hand in front of my face. Yet it was pleasing and I was entirely clear headed having mind blowing revelations like always. Just seemed more prevalent that time though.


Well-Known Member
Yea, but you usually don't get a body load with those gentle chloroinated phenethylamines. Was it the same duration as 25C? My guess is another 25x-NBOMe. I mean you should know if it was 25C right?


Well-Known Member
I should, it seemed a tad bit different, didnt last very long. But I dont really know, I took two, then about ehhh.. 3 or 4 hours later took another one.. It was just one of those 'trip til ya sleep' scenarios. It had to have been one of those they are the only ones that are legal in my area that come on blotter. Besides DOI, I dont see it being DOI though. Who knows.. I still need to try that one. It couldnt have been because I was able to sleep..

I havent tried 25d or i. Just c, so it couldve been any of those. The body load was kinda horrific for a good minute though I must say haha. I get a little weary though when somethings not lsd. I think Im just not used to body loads because I'm such a G


Well-Known Member
Nope. Similar though, 25C is 2cc-NBOMe. A lot more potent than 2cc but a little different of an experience.


Active Member
Researching this I've come to the conclusion that the NBOMe's done right is very, very good. I get the impression it's way easier and cheaper to make than acid. So I think it's destined to be a classic and is here to stay. But until some standardization in packaging and dosing happens, this stuff is like teenagers playing with explosives. Most with have a lot of fun. A few will blow their hands off. Then it's in the news and then straight to schedule 1.


Well-Known Member
If you know what it is it's ok, but taking unknowns terrifies me.
Mostly when you order a white powder from a faceless person in asia, you have no idea what is in it.
The other problem is there is little to no information about the long term effects.


Well-Known Member
Mostly when you order a white powder from a faceless person in asia, you have no idea what is in it.
The other problem is there is little to no information about the long term effects.
I agree, but characterization is possible. And then it is a risk, but so are lots of other things. These days I'm not trying anything new, but I've tried more than my share.


Well-Known Member
I just wish those things were around when I was younger, I am quite sure I'd have tried every one.


Well-Known Member
Shit dude what are you counting as young? Ive had more than a fair share of rc's.. Well really Ive only done less than 10 different kinds.. How much do other people do? :o


Well-Known Member
Shit dude what are you counting as young? Ive had more than a fair share of rc's.. Well really Ive only done less than 10 different kinds.. How much do other people do? :o

Twenty, thirty or fourty is young enough. I think I was most destructive in my mid fourties.