Any ideas how I can grow a photo-period outdoors so it acts like an Autoflower?


Well-Known Member
can you please post a link to the article? i haven't noticed this in real life...i have had root bound plants for over a year... Theres a link again for you, for some reason the other guy that found the link gets the rep, even though im the one who originally gave the information and have had experience myself. If you have had root bound plants for over a year, then there is something wrong or they are not actually root bound. I have had experience harvesting plants in july and august, fully ripe buds because of this method. It gives me a pre-harvest if you will. I start a plant in may in a one gallon pot, which becomes root bound, and harvest end of July, approximately an ounce a plant.


Well-Known Member Theres a link again for you, for some reason the other guy that found the link gets the rep, even though im the one who originally gave the information and have had experience myself. If you have had root bound plants for over a year, then there is something wrong or they are not actually root bound. I have had experience harvesting plants in july and august, fully ripe buds because of this method. It gives me a pre-harvest if you will. I start a plant in may in a one gallon pot, which becomes root bound, and harvest end of July, approximately an ounce a plant.

lol so i rep'd you cuz you got butthurt (really?)
and yeah my moms are root bound...i checked...
this still stinks like bs to me...but not that it matters...i need to yield more than one ounce per plant...