Any ideas on treating cervical cancer ?

I did check him out. Many many people have lived after being diagnosed with terminal cancer. Ive got a buddy that survived pancreatic cancer, and has been alive for 3 years after terminal diagnosis. Sometimes people can have a miraculous recovery even if they dont get treatment of any kind.

Id still listen to what my Oncologist says vs a non approved treatment someone is expousing on the internet. Anecedotal evidence is not scientifically reliable, especially when your life depends on it
Well we will also be getting a second opinion, doc said she was also a good candidate for a hysterectomy or a radical hysterectomy instead but we still need to do some more biopsies and look into a cone precedure and whatnot. Everything will be considered but sofar it's not spreading and is in an early stage.

I have never heard about this type of treatment. My uncle had cancer, but he never did anything like that.
He only had many chemotherapy sessions, but they, unfortunately, had little effect on him, and he passed away two years ago. We were always looking for new ways to help him, and we did all we could. He had a 4t1 mouse model (at least, the doctors told us), and it was not operable.
I am glad that more and more ways to cure cancer would possibly save more people in the future. I hope that one day we will have a cure for cancer.
After further research and meeting a local doctor that is using fenbendazole to treat himself we are gonna continue use with that, but we got more biopsies coming so more tests to start looking into the hysterectomies.
After further research and meeting a local doctor that is using fenbendazole to treat himself we are gonna continue use with that, but we got more biopsies coming so more tests to start looking into the hysterectomies.
Fenbendazole only works as an adjunct to traditional treatment. I'd opt for the hysterectomy asap. I never directly cared for a patient with cervical cancer. They only came to our service after it metastasized to the brain. You don't want to see that or deal with it. Please get aggressive today.
Biopsy is set for the 16th of this week then the next step will probably be a cone procedure, and yes we are trying for a hysterectomy, the fenben is just another thing we are throwing at it with everything else.
Well we have a week to decide, 2 biopsies came back as an invasive cancer, our oncologist just retired and the new guy we met today said he recommend chemo/radiation and probably breaky therapy but is willing to do the radical hysterectomy if we choose to go that route. Said he doesn't want to start there bc if it comes back he said she would be considered incurable. But on the other hand if the chemo doesn't work then the hysterectomy is off the table also. My oll lady is scared to death of chemo bc its killed several women in her family and they all believe they saw there family members decline quickly once starting the chemo so obviously she is leaning hysterectomy but fuck there is a lot of weight on this decision.
Lol yea we think it's gonna be difficult in Texas
I wish your lady the best. Texas "compassionate care" law sucks.

I know RSO can work on cancer. Just in the last few weeks i've seen both leukemia and lung cancer be called stable.

I'm not inciting the breaking any laws but there might be some folks in Oklahoma with a little extra RSO laying around.
I'm looking at my crop finishing at the end of the month so I'm already ontop of the RSO. Unfortunately we only had enough to where she is taking about half a gram a day since we found out but more is already on the way lol. And she has completely changed her diet already. That was one of the first things actually. She is also taking everything suplimenting/vitamin/mushroom powder or whatever else you can think about throwing at it.
Well fuck ppl. After we did a bunch of research we found the info the doc was hoping we would and she will be starting 5 weeks of chemo and radiation every day for the 5 weeks followed by an international radiation breaky therapy or however you spell it. Going in for mapping next week.
Very sad. I just got in on this so I don’t know what all has been talked about but I really hate to see anyone go thru chemo and radiation.
Has she tried RSO?
Well fuck ppl. After we did a bunch of research we found the info the doc was hoping we would and she will be starting 5 weeks of chemo and radiation every day for the 5 weeks followed by an international radiation breaky therapy or however you spell it. Going in for mapping next week.
You are scared and understandably so. But having quite a bit of knowledge and experience I can tell you right now being told that traditional therapy of surgery / radiation / chemo can work and CURE is GREAT news.

It doesnt feel that way. The Why and the What are scary as F but she has a REAL CHANCE at cure. CURE.

I am male, but have been in the radiation and chemo rooms, treated directly alongside those ladies.

Many , many women go through this, and few catch the cancer in time to prevent spread.

I strongly and compassionately suggest you focus ALL energy on getting through the traditional therapies as comfortably as possible.

FACTS: Chemo and radiation are not the same as 10 or 20 years ago. The nausea is not like movies anymore. Losing hair is real, scary, and temporary. Do not fear treatment. Fear the unknowns as they come and work through each one.

Uncertainty is very, very hard to deal with. Dont worry about if it comes back. Worry about supporting her 100% now until the end of treatment and after.

Things may feel bleak. It only feels that way. Oncologists would tell you a solid shot at cure of an invasive cancer that has not spread is the best possibility.

You are in a scary place. But when you get past the shock and begin moving forward, you will find strength and get through.

PM me any questions or feelings I am a very knowledgeable person in this area and have direct experience, myself and family.
Well fuck ppl. After we did a bunch of research we found the info the doc was hoping we would and she will be starting 5 weeks of chemo and radiation every day for the 5 weeks followed by an international radiation breaky therapy or however you spell it. Going in for mapping next week.
Definitely get a couple surgical opinions. It is tougher to primarily excise on previously irradiated tissue. I wish you the very best.
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Tank y'all for the support and we have spoken to 3 oncologists now and they are all recommended the same thing. Surgery is an option but there is an extremely high likelihood she will still need chemo/rad after and that can cause complications. And yes we have a little oil left but I'll be trying to make some more soon, she starts her mapping next week for the radiation.
Tank y'all for the support and we have spoken to 3 oncologists now and they are all recommended the same thing. Surgery is an option but there is an extremely high likelihood she will still need chemo/rad after and that can cause complications. And yes we have a little oil left but I'll be trying to make some more soon, she starts her mapping next week for the radiation.
Stay positive brother and trust the doctors. They see hundreds of patients like her and when 3 say the same thing you know her pathology is clear. This is all good news.

Once treatment starts, a lot of the fear goes away. One day at a time, in a few months you will know a lot more and be through with the major hurdles.