Negative soaked it to longTodays the 5th day buh there was only a small line on the side of the seed i heard that cracking them can help then germinate buh this white paste came out is the seed still good?
White paste is no good, your bean went bad in the soak, or was bad already.Todays the 5th day buh there was only a small line on the side of the seed i heard that cracking them can help then germinate buh this white paste came out is the seed still good?
Cracking beans is not a good idea, but scuffing and scoring the exterior is highly recommended for older beansTodays the 5th day buh there was only a small line on the side of the seed i heard that cracking them can help then germinate buh this white paste came out is the seed still good?
I prefer to use ps4 better germ rateI had a seed but it looked kinda dry but i put it in a damp paper towel on my xbox fan and it looks like its cracking but idk if the lights messing with it or not