Any info?


Well-Known Member
ok i have black ants in my indoor plants, their never in the soil , but they crawl evrywherein my room, they dont seem to be causing damage at all, but i heard they can,i have some terro liquid ant traps, that atract them and they eat it and take it back to the colinie and spread it. i put a few where i see the most ants, a few outdoors and a few in, but they still are hear is there any natural ways i can get rid of them


Active Member
ok i have black ants in my indoor plants, their never in the soil , but they crawl evrywherein my room, they dont seem to be causing damage at all, but i heard they can,i have some terro liquid ant traps, that atract them and they eat it and take it back to the colinie and spread it. i put a few where i see the most ants, a few outdoors and a few in, but they still are hear is there any natural ways i can get rid of them
If it was me, keep using the ant traps, get some sticky like fly paper for the perimeter and follow the trails. Blast em when you find the mound/nest. Just my .02
Not sure about a natural way though, someone will chime in....................


Well-Known Member
Try to follow them taking the food back. Where ever they are taking it is a nest. If you can`t find the nest seall up all the cracks you see them coming from. Use a repellant on the inside and bait on the outside. Bait is just bringing them inside. Ants comnicate through sent. You can use windex and wipe down surfaces. This will confuse them and they may leave. A good natural way is to use some mint oil or mix a couple tbls of dried hot peppers to a qt of water that can help also. Ants can be a pain, somestimes you need to use the nastey stuff. Good luck-stay safe


Well-Known Member
hey thanks man, ya i just sealed all the cracks, and sprayed with windex inside and out, and i did move my trap out of the room cuz it was attracting to much, and for some reason i cant find their nest they kinda just disapear, thanks for the relpy all info helps, i havent seen any bad effects from them but they are annoying and i can smell them


Well-Known Member
hey thanks man, ya i just sealed all the cracks, and sprayed with windex inside and out, and i did move my trap out of the room cuz it was attracting to much, and for some reason i cant find their nest they kinda just disapear, thanks for the relpy all info helps, i havent seen any bad effects from them but they are annoying and i can smell them
have u tryed spaying surface area spray ? they say its lasts something like 2 months , mine lasted 2 weeks but i like it


Well-Known Member
if u get really desperate u can pickup these little plugs that u put into your power outlet and they send out a high frequency noise or scent to keep them away


Well-Known Member
i got some surace spray and sprayed all around the house inside and out, all crakcs and window seels. but still ants in my grow room. it seems like thier comeing throught the carpet. so i think im gonna need some of those plugs. thanks for the info smallclosetgrower