Any Italian citizens on here? Your country is being sacked right now.


Active Member
If this happens it is officially over for Italy. This is what Canada did and it wiped them off the map as far as financial independence is concerned. The IMF is coming for your gold. They are going to steal your gold in exchange for a mountain of worthless, counterfeit paper. Then a few years will go by and your debt will be even bigger (because you can't re-pay it without using witchcraft (which is forbidden)) but you wont have any gold so they will take everything else...

Fight Italy!!

and so the greatest international swindle in the history of mankind continues...


Well-Known Member
I was wondering how long this would take. Back when our bailout was being discussed there was mumblings about our oil and gas field in the Atlantic.

So the IMF/EU want to trade their fake money for something with real tangible value. Hope Italy tells them to swing for it...infact I hope they default on some of it. Stick that in your pipe Germany.


Well-Known Member
What? gold has no value, just ask all the talking heads on TV. The bubble burst! Even Ben Bernanke says Gold is not money, all the while they are accumulating as much as they can.

Yes, I am being facetious


Well-Known Member
What? gold has no value, just ask all the talking heads on TV. The bubble burst! Even Ben Bernanke says Gold is not money, all the while they are accumulating as much as they can.

Yes, I am being facetious
Ben Bernake knows well that gold goes up as the dollar goes down and in his position he basically controls the value of the makes perfect sense for him to buy all the gold he can...THAT'S what you call playing the game!


Well-Known Member
funny thing

society is all about stepping over somebody to get on top.

nothing but corruption and backstabbing

and still

people figure the top´s are gonna solve it all and take care of them , lol

"look, honey, if we shit in the cream, that shit´s eventually gonna turn into something good, you just wait and see honey, you just wait and see"


Well-Known Member
LOL, if everything went belly up, then id rather stock up on chickens and seeds, maybe a pond or 2 of fish :)


Well-Known Member
be rather funny anyone trying to trade me some gold for eggs :) (what the fuck am i gonna do with that? make jewelry?)


Active Member
be rather funny anyone trying to trade me some gold for eggs :) (what the fuck am i gonna do with that? make jewelry?)
I will gladly trade eggs for your gold. You have jumped a step in your mind. There will be a currency. They need a tool to control everyone with. Were talking bilions of people here.

They will continue to inflate the dollar, continue to manipulate markets, continue to suck up bullion, continue to sack hapless victim countries that fall in the way and continue to concentrate vast amounts of wealth. Then when everyone is nice and poor they will drop the Federal Reserve notes for a World Currency. Seeing as the IMF is #2 in gold holdings and are aggressvley hoarding bullion (while denouncing it) I imagine it will be a re-branded IMF SDR which is currently being used as a de-facto world currency amongst nations.

SO they will have all the bullion and the top currency and complete control of the entire world markets and we will be very poor.


Well-Known Member
To my knowledge, gold was never the currency.

We had a gold STANDARD which meant that all the currency was backed by real physical gold held by the government.


Well-Known Member
Excuse me so what was the Cause of Inflation when Gold was the Currency?
What inflation? The price of gold only wavered by a total of 6 cents from its high to its low over a period of 100 years. That is 3 hundredths of one percent.

Gold is Money, paper dollars are currency, there is a difference. Paper has no intrinsic value, only the value of not being thrown in jail for accepting it.
When the paper empire dies the world will turn to gold and silver, they always do. look at Zimbabwe, once their inflation got out of control vendors only accepted gold.


Well-Known Member
To my knowledge, gold was never the currency.

We had a gold STANDARD which meant that all the currency was backed by real physical gold held by the government.
the dollar notes you got could be turned in for real gold and silver, they were just warehouse receipts for real metal. Gold was money back then, it still is, but folks have been reprogrammed to think it is not.


Active Member
Inflation only bacame a problem when the Goldsmiths realized they could just print certificates for gold and silver they didn't have. They could print certificates for themselves, thereby en-riching themselves and they could print certificates to lend out to people at interest, thereby enriching themselves. Infact, early goldsmiths refused to take money as payment on loans/interest. They knew the certificates were fake and had no real value so why would they want them back? They only accepted Gold, silver, land or other assets of real value as payment for their debts. It was this process that allowed them to trade paper for assets of value and suck up vast amounts of countries and peoples wealth and eventually own everything and everyone.

The system started on a thick layer of fraud and we have just perpetuated that fruad on a massive scale.


New Member
What inflation? The price of gold only wavered by a total of 6 cents from its high to its low over a period of 100 years. That is 3 hundredths of one percent.

Gold is Money, paper dollars are currency, there is a difference. Paper has no intrinsic value, only the value of not being thrown in jail for accepting it.
When the paper empire dies the world will turn to gold and silver, they always do. look at Zimbabwe, once their inflation got out of control vendors only accepted gold.


Well-Known Member

The people of Zimbabwe were forced to pan for gold in the rivers to obtain enough money each day to eat and survive. Their paper dollars had been inflated such that a 100 Trillion dollar note would not even buy you a loaf of bread. The market vendors would only accept gold and silver in exchange for goods.


Well-Known Member
the dollar notes you got could be turned in for real gold and silver, they were just warehouse receipts for real metal. Gold was money back then, it still is, but folks have been reprogrammed to think it is not.
Gold was used as money back then because barter is a nightmare.

Ultimately when things break down having food, clean water and shelter will be worth more than gold.