Any new bubble bag brands that are good?


Well-Known Member
I've been using payload bags for about 2 years they worked great, just wondering if there are cheaper options?


Well-Known Member
go with bubblebags., its worth it. all the cheap ones will start flaking off after a few runs. bubblebags will last years. the lite bubblebags are half the price of the original bubble bags. the lites have a 5 year warranty and the originals have a lifetime warranty.

you pay for what you get.

I've had my set for over 10 years and no issues at all/


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info everyone probably going to just cash out on bubble bags. Tried cheaper ones for replacement bags off amazon and the yields are questionable/a lot less. Was just seeing if anyone made bags just as good as bubblebag/payload...guess not.


Well-Known Member
Don't forget about Boldtbags. Expensive but built to last. You get what you pay for. Great customer service too. I had sewing machine punctures in my workbag sidewall and they sent me a replacement for free no hassle.

Even though I consider myself a student of Bubbleman's and a fan of his channel, I just might be a Boldtbag customer for life. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I think on my next set I'm going for the bubble bag lite set.
Francy420 and another gentleman I speak with on GC had recently purchased the Bubblebags lite set and had them start to fall apart after just a few uses. Might want to consider buying the originals/standard kit.

iirc Bubbleman replaced them for them but it might be something to take into consideration.


Well-Known Member
Oh wow that's pretty shitty! I believe they do have a 5 year warranty but regardless that's a little too soon! Boldtbags are pretty legit just costly like you mentioned.


Well-Known Member
Looked up Boldtbags the main website is down... bubble bags say they have standard bags for warranty 5 years and original for lifetime. Does that really mean if the bags break i can just replace it for free? Also saw boldtbags does the same thing from forums but can't find a way to contact the company.


Well-Known Member
Bubblebag lites do not have a 5 yr. warranty. They have a 1 yr. manufacturer warranty and you will have to contact Bubbleman himself to get replacements. My honest opinion is they suck ass. the originals are great but the lites for the price suck. Everyone I know has had them flake. Mine were luckily all replaced with originals so I got a set of originals for the same as lites in the end. But others did not get originals for replacements.


Well-Known Member
My originals and my lites never flaked. I don't even see how they would flake. Bags that I've seen flake are not even made of the same material. They're more of a lower quality bend. I personally like the lite bags. They're easier to work with that the originals. Clean and dry faster. I've had my lites for a long time too. Not as long ad my originals. At $25 a bag that's pretty good for the lites. Or$150 for an 8 bag set.

You have to contact bubbleman. Hit him up on instagram or youtube. He responds much faster there.


Well-Known Member
The lites don't really flake but the inner lining seperates from the bag material. Trust me it is happening a lot lately. I literally just got my new bags less than a month ago. is his e-mail. he has always responded to me within the day.