Until the day when politico's put our needs before thier payoff's
we will suffer. Until there is a MMJ lobby with enough money to buy a
strong number of politicians with a big office on State St. in Albany
and one in Manhattan we will suffer, until then keep it stealth my
I need pain killers for spinal pain (I have a lot of metal keeping
my neck together) but the state has me drug tested periodically, the
pain killers help but I am physically addicted which is OK with them
but I can't have MMJ to deal with the breakthrough pain which is all too
frequent and would decrease my need for narcotics, to top things off
I have a 32 yr. old son with MS no need to even go there he has to live
with me because he is ineligible for financial help.
So in closing don't hold your breath, please.
Keeping it stealth.