Any NYC nerd out there who wants a set of bubble bags?


Well-Known Member
They're the Virtual Sun 1 gallon bags, set of 8, from 220 microns down to 25 microns.

I'm doing a little housecleaning, and it's not like I can drop these bags off at the Salvation Army as a donation! They're brand new...I tried making hash once, but sucked so fucking badly at it I'm just changing my game and vaping my trim.

Anyway, if you live in the NYC area and want 'em and are willing to meet me to get them, they're yours. PM me...first come, first served. I'm offering these to a fellow Nerd first, and then to the NY grower's thread if there are no takers here.


Well-Known Member
keep ur bags and try again hehe. making hash is so easy!! I failed a couple times when I started, don't give up.


Well-Known Member
Awww, you guys are inspiring!

But I really do suck. I used a whole zip lock bag of sparkly trim and didn't get anything! Just a couple of grains at the bottom of the smallest bag.

That's SUCH a waste...that would have been a month of vaping for me. I'm sure it's just a matter of practice. But I don't want to waste the product...


Active Member
Try again and if you dont get much you can still use the trim to do butter or such, if the trichomes didnt fell it means they're still on the leafs...

Cool gesture though, respect!
