any one ever found weed?


Well-Known Member
we went to a shopping centre once, few of us, about 6 or 7. this is when we was 16 ish. we went to the arcade and once we was walking out, we lost 1 of our m8s. we realised he stopped, probably to tie his shoe lace or whatever. he catches us up and he has a 1/4 bag of skunk!!!

he went to the toilets to check it out and roll 1 up. it was legit and we went outside and smoked :)


New Member
About 4 years ago me and my friend just went down to this creek to chill out cuz we were bored. I see these dudes just start coming up from the creek and they were known stoners. They had just got done smoking and swimming down there. I knew they had been smoking cuz they had the reddest eyes ever and they asked us if they cops were up by the road and we said no. After they left we went down there and one of em left their gym shorts down there. I didnt check in em at first. After we had been sitting down there for a couple minutes we were about to leave and I check in the gym shorts hoping to find some drugs or money and I find a bag of about 1G. This is like a year before I start smoking so I hid that shit and when I got home I ate it lol, put it in this cookie but I didnt even get high.

Thats the only time I can remember finding some free weed. I had seriously had dream after dream though of finding big ass freezer bags and bricks of weed and it feels like paradise. I know one of these days Im gonna find something big. Just spend a lot of time outside searching through things and places where drug deals go down or where weed heads smoke and ur gonna find something sooner or later.