Any One Out There Musicians?

what type of music do you like?

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does anyone make there onw music here or do you all just listen to music rather than make it. if so what type of music you like to make, and why?


Well-Known Member
i play a guitar and bass, although bass is my preference. ive been playing for four years and this last year i have really started to get skills. im to the point where i play exactly what i think and i love it and i want to spend the rest of my life doing it!


see we need more people like us i can play drums, guitar bass, i sing, and piano, i like the drums better than all of them here soon i hope that i will be done with all my songs by late fall, i start recording the next mounth, ( by the way what is that in your pic?)


Well-Known Member
hmm .. well I live in the UK and I am a rapper... I'm 19 and i been doing it since 14... been on stage and made mixtapes etc... I love doing it... I live hip-hop!


Well-Known Member
i play drums, but i've never recorded or performed and i currently don't have a kit, but i just like to jam for fun anyway


i going to get a electric kit here soon, never did like them untill i actually played one i found one that feels real (if that makes any sence lol) i play in a band that i have been in for about 1 year now, and alothough we have only played a few shows i still love it. making music and art is the best feel that i ever get better than all other highs i have felt.


Active Member
Nice to see some stoner musicians out there! Me im 17 an hav been playing electric guitar for 9 years, and have grade 8 in classical guitar.
keep on smokin and makin music!


Well-Known Member
i used to play tenor sax and i played the flute. its not gay would you call jethro tull gay.


Well-Known Member
I've been drumming for about 15 years now. I also play guitar a little bit but have never really gotten to into it. I've played in a few bands and written a few songs. I like pretty much all types of music.

Currently I'm only playing in a Scottish style pipe band. It's not exactly rock star status but there are many moments that make me feel like a rock star.

i rap out here in the NW


I have been playing for bout 8 years now an have masterd drums guitar bass piano an harmonica i have been blessed with the ability to play anything. Music is my life it is just the best thing ever there is nothing like after a bad day pickng up the acoustic and going to town on it.


Well-Known Member
It does not matter the type of music as long as it's good.

They say that eyes are the window to the soul, and I say music is the doorway.

I have always been one into the meaning of songs. Some people hear music and some people listen. Every song has a message, a glimpse into the soul of the artist. Music has always been a way of sending a message to those who are listening. Whether a warning or a message of hope or triumph. It is an avenue of pure human emotion. How often, when you are listening to a song, get the chills or goosebumps. It happens to me all the time. Even when I hear a good song for the first time it just reaches out and touches me. That my friends is when you feel the music effecting your soul.

I have been listening to TOOL alot lately. There is some seriously deep communication going on in thier music. Enochian Magic and such.

"As below so above and beyond I imagine. Drawn beyond the lines of reason, push the envelope watch it bend.:joint:
I have been playin the drums for 4 years.


i am glad to see more and more drums, altho it suck that the youger generation is more interested in the guitar but thats kool, as long as they are making music. and your right tyrannabuds just as long as it is good.


Well-Known Member
I've been drumming for about 15 years now. I also play guitar a little bit but have never really gotten to into it. I've played in a few bands and written a few songs. I like pretty much all types of music.

Currently I'm only playing in a Scottish style pipe band. It's not exactly rock star status but there are many moments that make me feel like a rock star.
Thats funny. I started practicing the highland pipes around 10 and by the age of 21 was playing anything I could get my hands on. Lots of handdrums,mandolin, tin whistles, low whistles, guitar etc. Then overnight I became toatally estranged from music and ended up being diagnosed with a psychiatric condition. But ten years later and Ive really been thinking about getting a practice chanter. Or a set of uillean pipes-way more fun.

This list left out reggae and Jazz.

grape swisha

Well-Known Member
this list left out a lot of genres. also rap and hip hop should not be in the same group they are two different genres.


I play guitar, and many years ago the sax. I'm actually a MUCH better guitar tech and luthier than a guitarist. I can rip out some SRV, but my biggest kick is taking a pos guitar that a kid is ready to give up on and making it play like a custom shop beauty. Proudest achievment - making a Esteban play like a REAL guitar! lol