Any one tell me what theses spots are from

You need a more powerful scope. 'Get a 40x jewelers loop or a 50-100x usb scope.

A "glass" or phone won't get close enough. These suckers are small.
Good job finding bugs. Like I said, they can be small. That really didn't look like thrip damage though. You usually see what they call snot trails. A silvery threaded shading on the leaf surface.

It's possible they haven't been there very long though. It does look like bug damage to me, but I'm terrible at diagnosing nutrient problems other than the biggies.

If it's thrips or gnats or spider mites, spinosad and bt will attack them pretty quickly. You can be more aggressive if you are in veg, but I've had good luck with organic solutions as long as the bugs aren't bad. Alternate between treatments, spraying every 3 days for 2 weeks. Make sure to add it to your water so you get the soil and roots. You want to kill the adults and larvae, then catch the next hatch. You have to break the life cycle.

Thrips are pretty easy. Even spider mites can be dealt with. What you DON'T want to find are russet mites or root aphids.
Neem yes, as long as you are in veg. I've never use DE, but it can be effective for gnats and anything that needs to get to or from the soil.

Again, I'd alternate between neem and spinosad, and I'd still do a soil soak with bt. And go easy on the neem, it can shock plants.

You can't do too many things when it comes to bugs. You can do too little or for too short a period of time.
Found two bugs so far thing there thripsView attachment 4494682View attachment 4494683
I can't make out the picture to tell if it is thrips and your leaves have damage but it doesn't look like thrip damage.
Might not be a bad idea to get us a better pic of a bug if you can.
Somewhere I was just reading someone saying they did not have black dots on the leaves, a sign of thrips, not sure if that was you.
If you have thrips black poop dots should be near the leaf damage and easy to find. I can't see it in the pics.