Any one up for a game of BLack Ops???

PS3 is way better, are you kidding me? I've modded Xbox 360s for a while now, and their systems are cheap and their graphics aren't nearly as good as the PS3s.
A nice desktop computer is better than all the damn gaming consoles. PC > Everything else. All the consoles are is little shitty versions of gaming computers. I was big on consoles a few years back, but there is literally no reason to get a console anymore. You can do everything better on a PC.
A nice desktop computer is better than all the damn gaming consoles. PC > Everything else. All the consoles are is little shitty versions of gaming computers. I was big on consoles a few years back, but there is literally no reason to get a console anymore. You can do everything better on a PC.

when all of your work involves working at the computer, you wouldn't want to play video games on one.

this whole xbox 360 vs ps3 thing shouldn't even be an argument.
i have both.. my 360 is hooked up and always gets used, my ps3 is thrown in a dresser drawer somewhere in my place.. i don't even want the thing.
my fucking N64 shits on Xbox!!! PS3 is the way to go.

LMAO but no really, why are we arguing over which nerd has the better console. I dont see any of us arguing on who has the best grow rooms, or set ups? Each one has their ups and downs. All we are doing is basically knocking on peoples doors and selling them Microsoft or Sony's product. Besides we all know the Wii is better 8)
LMAO but no really, why are we arguing over which nerd has the better console. I dont see any of us arguing on who has the best grow rooms, or set ups? Each one has their ups and downs. All we are doing is basically knocking on peoples doors and selling them Microsoft or Sony's product. Besides we all know the Wii is better 8)

Fuck the Wii, the only game I ever play on mine is Wii sports when I'm really high. I mostly play my Xbox 360 but I also play my PS2 on the reg and my N-64.
used to play pc gams hardcore but got sick to death of kiddie hackers, have a xbox but have that jtagged for new release games, and use ps3 online for blackops.
i never suffered lag but am sick of migrating hosts.
oh and now theres lag switches, fkin kids.
Y'all is crazy.

ps3 sucks even though there is free internet.People are willing to pay for xbox internet because its worth it not like the ps3,with free internet that i wouldnt even use because it sucks.
Yeah! ^^^
plus I already have Internet Sooo...
who hoo! I play black ops all the time.
hit me up, I'll make your team win!
@ Craig Vankempen
i love you. Seriously I kick ass. Hit me up.
So who has Black OPs 2 ?? and what do you guys think about it?? I would like to know from the folks that like MW3........
I didn't like the first black ops.....I stood in line just like every other release....definitely not worth the wait in line ,in the cold ,at night for it imho......
Add me on PSN. Ian0420. I got black ops. Thinking about getting the new one. I saw on ebay they have a "care package" limited edition that comes with a radio controlled helicopter.
I've had both xbox and ps3 . I like sports games better on xbox ,and fps games on ps3.

Ass me on ps3im about to play a few games before work

I got a PlayStation cause my xbox caught the red rings of death right after I payed to play online ..I was pissed as u could imagine
I'm on my third YOLD so I can't play games any more. She overheats if you look at her wrong. I am getting a new PS3 this black friday. $199 at walmart and bestbuy.

psn D3monic_urges
the real argument here is whos gonna have joint and muscle problems when they are older you guys the ps3 players or the xbox players that are forced to get up and reset there fucking consol every hour? suckers

lol but seriously i have had both the last few months and i havnt even played the ps3. think i just got used to the xbox controller to much.