Any one with preflower tips?


Active Member
Could anyone help me out with preflower
i am down to 1 plant out of two i had to
cut one down because it was a male plant,:-(
what i want is some advice about how to
accelerating the budding stage ,i started
tying the plant down but i think i need
more nutes or something, anything that will help out will be greatly honored...:weed:


Well-Known Member
Well its kinda hard to "speed up" the budding, the longer it buds generally the more and better the product.
Just make sure your running a 12 hours light / 12 hours dark cycle. More nutes won't help unless its deficient in somthing.
If your doing a hydro setup make sure to check your ph every few days. Make sure the temps don't go over 85 or below 60.
Spraying the plants with pure water always helps keep then healthy.
These plants grow the best if you stick to some
type of schedule, make a weekly routine.
I add water every 2 days and nutes if needed, and spray them around halfway through the light period
and at the very end right before the lights shut off.


Active Member
ok then heres the lowdown i tested my soils ph and its a little over 6 but ive ben watering with well water with a ph of 7.4 temps @75 f and also ive been
watering every 4-5 days


Active Member
Sounds to me like ur PH is a little too high. You might want to lower it a bit and have patience. They will show u their sex soon enough. Females tend to be a little slower to show so maybe its ur lucky plant. Good Lucj