Any opinions on Soma's Somango? Strain Review and Pics


Well-Known Member

A little background: Somango from Soma Seeds

Big Korean Skunk X Jack Herer X Super Skunk (Sativa-Dominant Hybrid)

Flowering time: They state 9-11 weeks. To be perfectly honest, I think 13-14 would be more accurate.

I have had several runs of this strain, dating back several years, so I am very familiar with it and feel more than qualified to offer a solid review. The phenotypes vary greatly with this strain, and I have identified 4 for sure. The most distinguished in my opinion is the pheno that stretches very tall, and is very branchy. The other 3 keep a short to medium stature, but branch in varying ways. The tall pheno has an extremely desirable, pungent fruity aroma when molested. One characteristic about this strain that stays consistent is a very distinct, subtle, creamy schwaggy aroma that all of the buds smell like unmolested. It could very easily be mistaken for schwagg or mid-grade by a non-avid medical user. I consider this a characteristic of the Big Korean Skunk, just because I imagine that it is exactly what a third-world sativa would smell like. With that being said, this is one of my favorite strains on the planet. The flavor is that of a delicious sativa, slightly hazy, and slightly fruity dependent upon the pheno. The effect is very functionable, relaxing, and meditative. If left to ripen fully, the effect can be somewhat overwhelming. I believe this effect can be accredited to higher levels of THCV (Tetra-Hydro-Cannabavarin) that many Asian strains are famous for. I haven't seen any test results on this strain, however.

The downside to this herb is, the flowering time is MISERABLE. I swear I could have left some of these ladies to flower for 16 weeks and still not gotten over 50% amber. By the way, at day 79 (picture 2 above), the trichomes were around 80% cloudy, 10% clear, and 10% amber. I'm expecting more amber to develop as it ages and the molecules start breaking down a little bit more. I would highly recommend this strain for personal use. If you want to cash-crop, I wouldn't grow this strain. Some phenotypes literally look and smell like schwagg, and have around 754 trillion pistils per plant. A 1 gram bud probably has 300 pistils, no exaggeration.

To sum my feeling about Somango up, big ups to Soma!! But this one isn't for beginners, or the impatient. It is definitely unique and other worldly. 2 thumbs up!


Well-Known Member
I always thought somango had a orange/purple color to it. Maybe it's a trait stimulated by the cold?


Well-Known Member
I always thought somango had a orange/purple color to it. Maybe it's a trait stimulated by the cold?
I've never personally seen any purple in it. I am running temps around 83 constantly, though, so I don't ever expect to. And no this isn't by choice, and i am working to fix it! Some of the fan leaves turn an orange pigment in the very, very late stage of flowering. By late, I mean like 4 weeks longer than they tell you it will take to finish. 14-16 weeks.


Active Member
Somango will be my next purchase. That's for sure. I have been wanting Lavender for a while but will go with Somango first. I go back and forth between the two.
Bamacheese, have you ran Somango lately?


Well-Known Member
excellent, i never tried soma's other strains but last few months i harvested lavender kush.

heres a pictures :

i got heavy indica pheno...smell more skunk and hawaii and some smell that i cant idenity...overall its more like sickly sweet smell. Its easy to grow and harvested at 59 days based on the trichs 80 cloudy and some amber and clear.

first time i smoke only pure resins that i scrapped from the scirror that trimmed the sugar leaves, the flavor is off the chart ! its more fruity and some exotic taste that you wanna smoke more and more...same thing with dried flowers...beware it will KO ya out real will fight to stay awake but in the end you will sleep...its good medicine for insomina or numb the pain in order you get a good sleep.

its superb genetic.

happy gardening


Active Member
excellent, i never tried soma's other strains but last few months i harvested lavender kush.

heres a pictures :

i got heavy indica pheno...smell more skunk and hawaii and some smell that i cant idenity...overall its more like sickly sweet smell. Its easy to grow and harvested at 59 days based on the trichs 80 cloudy and some amber and clear.

first time i smoke only pure resins that i scrapped from the scirror that trimmed the sugar leaves, the flavor is off the chart ! its more fruity and some exotic taste that you wanna smoke more and more...same thing with dried flowers...beware it will KO ya out real will fight to stay awake but in the end you will sleep...its good medicine for insomina or numb the pain in order you get a good sleep.

its superb genetic.

happy gardening
Ahhhh! I love it! At what height did you put this into flower? Info please?


New Member
I always thought somango had a orange/purple color to it. Maybe it's a trait stimulated by the cold?
Diffrent phenotypes homie my opinion on the nug looks airy still not bad. I've been wanting to try Soma genetics for awhile still haven't got my hands on any might be my next purchase.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
View attachment 2325333View attachment 2325335

A little background: Somango from Soma Seeds

Big Korean Skunk X Jack Herer X Super Skunk (Sativa-Dominant Hybrid)

Flowering time: They state 9-11 weeks. To be perfectly honest, I think 13-14 would be more accurate.

I have had several runs of this strain, dating back several years, so I am very familiar with it and feel more than qualified to offer a solid review. The phenotypes vary greatly with this strain, and I have identified 4 for sure. The most distinguished in my opinion is the pheno that stretches very tall, and is very branchy. The other 3 keep a short to medium stature, but branch in varying ways. The tall pheno has an extremely desirable, pungent fruity aroma when molested. One characteristic about this strain that stays consistent is a very distinct, subtle, creamy schwaggy aroma that all of the buds smell like unmolested. It could very easily be mistaken for schwagg or mid-grade by a non-avid medical user. I consider this a characteristic of the Big Korean Skunk, just because I imagine that it is exactly what a third-world sativa would smell like. With that being said, this is one of my favorite strains on the planet. The flavor is that of a delicious sativa, slightly hazy, and slightly fruity dependent upon the pheno. The effect is very functionable, relaxing, and meditative. If left to ripen fully, the effect can be somewhat overwhelming. I believe this effect can be accredited to higher levels of THCV (Tetra-Hydro-Cannabavarin) that many Asian strains are famous for. I haven't seen any test results on this strain, however.

The downside to this herb is, the flowering time is MISERABLE. I swear I could have left some of these ladies to flower for 16 weeks and still not gotten over 50% amber. By the way, at day 79 (picture 2 above), the trichomes were around 80% cloudy, 10% clear, and 10% amber. I'm expecting more amber to develop as it ages and the molecules start breaking down a little bit more. I would highly recommend this strain for personal use. If you want to cash-crop, I wouldn't grow this strain. Some phenotypes literally look and smell like schwagg, and have around 754 trillion pistils per plant. A 1 gram bud probably has 300 pistils, no exaggeration.

To sum my feeling about Somango up, big ups to Soma!! But this one isn't for beginners, or the impatient. It is definitely unique and other worldly. 2 thumbs up!
How about a cpl of suggestions for this strain.....Start flower at 12/12 and lower it to 11/13 at 6 weeks and drop to 10/14 at 10 weeks......This will give you a more robust and distinct "finish".....It won't "drag" on and be slow to reach the end...

Soma is one who does not count the first 2+ weeks of bloom as "flower period"..... He starts his count at "obvious" flower set. So that accounts for your "time" difference.

I've never personally seen any purple in it. I am running temps around 83 constantly, though, so I don't ever expect to. And no this isn't by choice, and i am working to fix it! Some of the fan leaves turn an orange pigment in the very, very late stage of flowering. By late, I mean like 4 weeks longer than they tell you it will take to finish. 14-16 weeks.
I was going to speak on temps above but you broke the subject.

If you ain't gassing......GET those temps down! Lower then 80 and 75 and lower is better! This is effecting finish time, along with the straight 12/12 lighting times..
If you really want coloring to be expressed.....Up your K by 0-0-3 and allow lights out temps to swing at least 10F and 15 will really bring them out, but may effect a little bit finish times and bud structure......Shoot for a 10F swing as see what you get and try 15F if you want.....gotta learn right!

Sense you run "personal". If you would like to try the other spectrum of "buzz" and do an Indica...try his "Rock Bud"........A real nice "cannasur" little Indica....There are pheno's of this that express color easier.

Good luck



Well-Known Member
There is a lot of confusion with this strain. A lot of companies have it listed as an indica others as a sativa. Which is it??? I get anxiety from strong sativa but the high CBD level interests me. Suggestions?