Any Organic Purists in Arizona?

Beautiful buds! Living mulches is the best water conservation I have found so far. Better than a dead mulch like wood imo. Irrigation meters like mine and @1337hacker has in storage would be a very useful tool. Maybe you could work something out with him and speakin of which I'd take them if you're gonna let them sit.
that plant gave an embarrassing amt...even after the grasshoppers took more than half. She gave 2kilos

zoned neem man, neem. The won't like the taste of your plants. IPM programs are so important.

I have a SOP written actually on all my processes. One day when it's complete I will post it up but it's still in the drafting phase.

We use neem for every plant outside and barely issues occur. Earwig here and there and caterpillars but if you keep a program and use mulches you will have greater chances. Using such things and always increasing biomass with assist with systemic acquired resistance naturally. More healthy the plant the more diversity sorrounding just like in a forest the better.

What does you IPM program consist of and how often?
tried was just sauce for the meal to them. It was very disheartening until the totals...but they rushed harvest, caused prermature maturation...I was picking up handfuls of bud from the ground every day...more than I was using.. It may have killed a few....but they still had to eat to get it...and eat they did. It was the numbers of them that was bad. There were many to replace every one you killed. I am thinking a shade cloth cage for the plants, when they get bad. I put bird seed out in hope hat birds might help...the hoppers ate that too.....

sorry, IPM?
not familiar with anacronym
...what I ended up doing was to wrap each branch/stem with fiberglass webbing to physically keep them from gnawing the bark off That was marginally effective and very labor intensive. I think the right strains and getting the sun on and off the plants at specific times of the day will help..Early morning nd last sun are to be avoided. The hoppers seem to roost where they can get first and last sun.
IPM= Integrated pest management

If you keep a program you should have fewer issues. It takes a little research and time to find that one that works. I'm in full support of beneficial insects as I use them as part as my IPM program.

One botanical I just love and grow inside is Lavender!

Lavender works to repel mites and acts as a mild fungicide. It is best to use fresh flowers from the plant. It would be advantageous to grow this and other medicinal plants in your garden to be able to have access when needed.

Prevention goes along :)
white flies are a very minor problem...I don't even worry about them.. Never seen a mite on my outdoor...but you need a cage or a strong heart to deal with blister beetles and hoppers.
Hi Treep,
You caused me to have to think...
No moncropping.I grow cilantro. It draws ladybugs like crazy.. I pretty much depend on nature to blow a remedy ito my plot. IF you can sustain a little damage. I do transplant mantids and I have hummingbird that pluck bugs. It is a whole little ecosystem. Wasps, spiders. lacewings, ladybug, mantids hunting the myriads. I get a few thrips...but found that hosing them off is as simple/easy as it get. I pluck infested leaves and do a certain amt of manual" pest control. Largely ineffective. but makes me feel like I am helping a little. I do get a few bud worms, visual inspection finds most of them. I think the wasps hunt them, too.

I thnk I should clarify my growing area a bit better. I live in a rural community 35miles from a bank or supermarket. If there is a major pest problem, such a grasshopper or blister beetles, it is a large area...not just in your yard. Thrips are a nuisance more than a "pest" I do acknowlege their ability to kill.
Azoned. For some reason I cannot "like" your post or high 5 you (laggy connection?) lol but yeah I think you on your way to some better permaculuture practices. There are many "Roads to Rome" so to speak or path buts I tend to use "lazy" gardening. Let nature and microbes do the work. These kind of practices should be further explored and not exploited by chemical companies if we really want a better standard of living for future generations.


GSC Thin mints
thats a nice looking gsc cut. what are its origins if you dont mind my asking?
It's cool and thanks for checking her out.

Great question but I'm limited on answers since there are many versions like the forum cut, thin mint, and I wanna say 1 or even 2 more lol.

According to the source, which is very respected in the cannabis online community in Norcal it's the real deal "thin mint". That pheno is hard to kill that's for sure and potent.

I find it even if it weren't (doubtful) the real thing, it's an excellent minty version and imo would be topshelf smoke.

The senescence is starting in the fans :)
To grow old from old age...

The word senescence by it self simple is an action or description of an action.

Plant senescence is simply the act of measuring aging plants...

The yellowing of leaves is an example of senescence in plants - the yellow varies from strain to strain.
Same applies to how some plants purple and some do not. It is simply the measurement of how things die and in what fashion -aging.

I think?
I have been growing organically for almost 2 years, and while it is easy to do and liberating to break free of costly ferts, I have been very frustrated with my results. Not sure why because I follow all the threads and read the articles and watch these clever You-tubers, and all along it seems like its working everything is great...then I'm trimmin with my bummer face on.

I do lots of homesteading - outdoor gardens, raise chickens and rabbits, compost and a worm bin, make biochar, and play with things like homemade EM, eggshell/vinegar cal mag, and fpe's (question: how could I test a homemade fpe for NPK value?) but I just cant grow good buds organically. beautiful plants, but my end product was not what I wanted/ expected.

so its easier because you don't have to ph and monitor, but you can still encounter hurdles. also let me say i'm no professional grower either, this was just my experience. Last month I started experimenting with 100% perlite hempy buckets and the sensi grow/connosuer line. So far I'm very impressed, and this ph perfect stuff keeps it easy like organics.

I still love and embrace everything about organic growing, and perma-culture, and sustainability, but for cannabis I wish I would have tried this hempy shit a looooong time ago.
Hi Redbird,
I'm no ace grower...
but my plants averaged over 1lb. What more can I expect....and that was after the grasshoppers took their fill. What strains are you growing?

are you indoors or out?
both but mostly indoors, the main enemies for me are mites, aphids, and the dreaded leafhopper
I've never grown a 1 lb plant, sadly. but things are lookin very promising

I recently phased some stuff out (SSH, Giesel, Irukandji), and started some new strains. NL, Fire OG, Sour Diesel, and some Bohdi test seeds I just popped. herojuana x good medicine
I have been growing organically for almost 2 years, and while it is easy to do and liberating to break free of costly ferts, I have been very frustrated with my results. Not sure why because I follow all the threads and read the articles and watch these clever You-tubers, and all along it seems like its working everything is great...then I'm trimmin with my bummer face on.

I do lots of homesteading - outdoor gardens, raise chickens and rabbits, compost and a worm bin, make biochar, and play with things like homemade EM, eggshell/vinegar cal mag, and fpe's (question: how could I test a homemade fpe for NPK value?) but I just cant grow good buds organically. beautiful plants, but my end product was not what I wanted/ expected.

so its easier because you don't have to ph and monitor, but you can still encounter hurdles. also let me say i'm no professional grower either, this was just my experience. Last month I started experimenting with 100% perlite hempy buckets and the sensi grow/connosuer line. So far I'm very impressed, and this ph perfect stuff keeps it easy like organics.

I still love and embrace everything about organic growing, and perma-culture, and sustainability, but for cannabis I wish I would have tried this hempy shit a looooong time ago.

The bottom line is hempies do well and they yield and grow faster than dirt (once roots hit water)
and are by far the easiest system. With this said organics kick ass in there own way.