Any other alternative to c02 besides yeast?????


Well-Known Member
Well you have the most reliable method of getting co2, from a tank with a regulator and a timer. This will allow you to control the amount in the room, for how long, and when.

There is a product out called co2 boost, it comes in a bucket, I have heard it works well, but it is a bit pricy at 150 a bucket, which lasts about 3 months.

There are co2 generators that I believe may run off propane, but they create alot of heat, and maybe humidity as well.

So thats a few options, I've heard the yeast doesn't really work well, but that only from a few people that I've discussed it with, so maybe others have had good results. I tank is deffinitely the most reliable source, with the most control.


Active Member
im pretty sure if u put a mentos into a 2 liter of coke it lets off co2 just make sure its not too full or it will shoot everywhere

t0k3 h4rd

Active Member
bakeing soda and viniger the bubbles are bubbles of co2 do it in a big bucket abouve the plant so the co2 runs out onto the plant bcoz remember its heaver than air never tryed this but ive heard it works :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
if ur worried about co2 mist your leaves with sparkling water that make sure its plain water not flavored or scented also u can make a slow dripped of vinegar into baking soda and that will release co2 learned these from one of the videos in the free grow video thread :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
My only thought, or concern with the vinegar, is that you might not be able to reach the 1500ppm in the air. If you could, then seems like it would work, just refill it every day, or every other day.


Well-Known Member
My only thought, or concern with the vinegar, is that you might not be able to reach the 1500ppm in the air. If you could, then seems like it would work, just refill it every day, or every other day.
You are not going to hit 1500 ppm without a tank and CO2 monitor controler. Without the controller (which is NOT a regulator and/or timer/valve) its guess work.

Now on the cheap, with a lot of work you can use a CO2 meter and do tests to see how long the valve needs to be one and how often to maintain the 1500ppm. But as the plants grow, they will use more CO2, so yo will have to recalibrate the system.

CO2 is the *LAST* thing to add to an op. Lights, temps, experience, all need to be spot on to make CO2 effective.

I always get a chuckle with these, I want CO2 but don't want to buy the tank and everything else, threads.

I want a Ferrari Dino, but I don't wanna spend more then $5K.


Well-Known Member
When you can get a 50 pound bottle filled for $25 it kinda makes the dry ice at $1/pound look pretty expensive. for a small grow i would imagine you would need several pounds of dry ice a day.


Well-Known Member
What about a camping propane burner (I need to raise the temps too) or is the risk of fire just to great.