Any other Nutes when using PK 13/14 for 1 week period ?

Phytium hater

Well-Known Member
So it's 10 week flowering strain Moby Dick in hydroponics, I plan to add CANNA -PK 13/14 at the end of 6 week for 1 week , the maximum dose as recommended 15 ml / 10 Liters .
I know this stuff is stuff is super strong and I'we seen crops died from this product many times.
But when used correctly it's the Bomb for huge yields.
The only thing I am not hundred 100% shure of that in that 1 week period three weeks before harvest ( in this case its the week 7.) the EC could /should be 2.2
So emptying tank completely , fresh water full tank adding PK 13 /14 15 ML per every 10 liter so in this case
220 ml in total , checking EC , SO HERE COMES THE QUESTION ! IF EC VALUE IS UNDER 2.2 SHOULD I TOP UP WITH REGULAR NUTES TO THAT 2.2 OR JUST LEAVE IT WHAT EVER THE PK 13/14 MAKES IT ?...and just adjust only the Ph...

Phytium hater

Well-Known Member
In some content it's said to top up the rest up with a needed amount of the regular nutes so to say if PK would give a value
on it's own added to fresh water like EC 1.5 , that you should add regular nutes enough to reach your desired EC value ( in this case + 0.7 more to get that EC up to 2.2 )....come on guys this regular feeding knowledge , we are not splitting the atom here.

Phytium hater

Well-Known Member
wow. you run your EC that high? i max at 1.0 to 1.2.

you only need to add P&K if your nutes don't provide enough.
Check CANNA feeding chart....1.5 early weg full flower depending on strain but easily 2.2, now I have 2.1 and everything look primo !

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
Canna use to have better instructions on their website. It use to say to combine your base nutes with PK to achieve desired EC. When I use PK, I mix my base nutes at half strength.. .6-.8 EC. I then add PK to bring my EC to full strength base nute mix... 1.2- 1.6

Phytium hater

Well-Known Member
Canna use to have better instructions on their website. It use to say to combine your base nutes with PK to achieve desired EC. When I use PK, I mix my base nutes at half strength.. .6-.8 EC. I then add PK to bring my EC to full strength base nute mix... 1.2- 1.6
Yep that is what I read also before some place,,,,but IMO if doing it it the other way around ,and to be able to use the full 1.5 ml / Litre
and then if necessary add a small amount of base nutes on top of that to lift EC a bit...
Would sound more accurate...Just asking if any Grow Guru agrees ?

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
Yep that is what I read also before some place,,,,but IMO if doing it it the other way around ,and to be able to use the full 1.5 ml / Litre
and then if necessary add a small amount of base nutes on top of that to lift EC a bit...
Would sound more accurate...Just asking if any Grow Guru agrees ?
I guess you could do it that way?...but you may not have enough micro nutes using mostly PK.

Phytium hater

Well-Known Member
How many ml of PK / Liter you tend to use..
Could end up in the same range perhaps both which is more important to have half strength nutes or enough of PK in reservoir without ending up with too strong mixture in overall..

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
Well, the base nutes already have enough PK to begin with...I use Aqua vega/flora.

IMO, the ratios..N to P to K... are more important than EC range...
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Phytium hater

Well-Known Member
That's what I used before when slowly build up from 0.25-1.0 and used starting from week 3 to week 7...
but now thought to try the max amount for 1 week 1.5 get the max recommended .


Well-Known Member
don't follow the feed charts. let your EC meter and your plants tell you how strong your nutes need to be. you are in hydro, right?

if your NPK of your nutes is good, you don't need to add P or K IMO.

Phytium hater

Well-Known Member
No need but the swelling is like on steroids when getting it right...

But the so called "Canna Boost" product I'll pass this only made white hats last time , like over sensitivity to light on plants...