Are you in florida too? And that sounds like an amazing first time honestly. The weather is pretty good right now, hot sun and occasional showersRay Band$,
I am a first timer. Had some bag seed thru it down back in December. Do to the extreme warm whether we had. They took and well one turned out to be a male, the others female. Two so far are obviously auto-flowers. One of which is about a month or two away from being ready to harvest. Keep in mind this is an autoflower plant and it takes less time for those to grow fully and typically stay smaller. If you find you have a regular plant and not an auto flower then you can begin flowering stage when ever you want. You just need to build a small box/hut for them outside to be stored in from the light. Autoflowers need all day sun. They are not like a normal plant needing 12 hours of uninterrupted dark. I have one that does not seem to be an auto flower and is approximately 2 feet tall (it has been topped at the 9th node) and another will be topped at the 9th in a day or two. Again I have not harvested before so this will also be my first harvest. Oh and people say they barrely get an ounce from small plants that has to be bull. Because I have a plant that is not even a foot tall but has so many fricken buds on it I cant wait. It honestly looks like nearly an ounce alone. Let me know if you decide to grow and how it goes. also if you havnt already check out Jorge Cervantes on he is brilliant and easy to understand. In all honesty there is not to much to know about growing outdoors. Just water sufficiently , occasion spray them during the day to keep from heat burn and just be sure not to water before a big rain. I am also doing my babes organic so I sweep for bugs with fingers and tweezers. I have a brown widow issue on my property so tweezers make me feel a tad safer lol.
I suggest germinating the seeds first so you know you're not waiting time. Yes I am in spring hill Florida. Now is a great time if your going to start. Take a damp paper towel and place in a zip lock bag. Set your seeds spaced apart on the paper towel and the. Seal the bag. You don't have to get all the air out. You are just locking in moisture. Set this bag on a shelf in the dark. Don't let it get light. After a day or two you will see them sprouting. When you plant place the seed sprout point down and cover make sure your soil is thoroughly moistened first. Give a week or so and it will be pretty big. Water once every other day or two. Never let soil dry out completely. You may need a spray bottle with water to spray leaves to be help prevent heat burn from floridas murderous sun. But yeah man just watch Jorge Cervantes on YouTube and you will learn a bunch. He is all about growing medicinal which is the restriction of usage of harsh chemicals. Not 100% percent organic or nothing but pretty clean for the most part. I'm currently waiting to by rock who'll next month to clone. Look up cloning with honey.Are you in florida too? And that sounds like an amazing first time honestly. The weather is pretty good right now, hot sun and occasional showers![]()
Is growing northern lights really as beautiful as i'm imagining in my head? And what's the average yield range?this year i'm mainlining northern lights and C99. i always start in late April and keep them outdoors during day and under lights at night. basically i'm running 18/6. i'll leave then outdoors permanently starting on June 21 for the flowering period. i get done before the end of august and have enough stashed to last over a year. love taking advantage of the strong florida sun! i'm in south central florida east coast.
Try looking into cloning and see if you can't do that. tuat way you will have a plant getting ready to harvest by time you are using the harvested momma.I started back around may and and out of like 15 seeds only like 5 grew, 3 turned out male so I just got rid of them and someone stole one of the females so i'm stuck with 1 beauty so i'm hoping she grows up beautifully and hoping especially that the female that was stolen dies so they don't get anything from me!! She was like 3ft tall and still has like 2 months to go until harvest
The Florida sun is great. Right now plants shouldn't start flowering stage as sun light begins as the sun rises over the horizon. Doesn't even have to be full light. I have a plant that's been begging nearly three weeks and has never left the outdoors. These tricks of 18/6 and 12/12 light schedules are for those who want to controls how long it stays in vegging state. Recommended minimum vegging is around 3 weeks I believe. I feel if you are growing outdoors and in Florida it's best to veg for 3-4 weeks. Don't want it getting to big. The plant will nearly double in size during flowering stage. So if you veg for 3 weeks your plant is 2 feet tall when all is said in done (providing upgrading size pot) you will 4+ foot plant for harvest.this year i'm mainlining northern lights and C99. i always start in late April and keep them outdoors during day and under lights at night. basically i'm running 18/6. i'll leave then outdoors permanently starting on June 21 for the flowering period. i get done before the end of august and have enough stashed to last over a year. love taking advantage of the strong florida sun! i'm in south central florida east coast.
How far along are you?i'll be vegging 70-80 days as i'm mainling this year. i'll post some pics when they get close to flower time.
they're about 3-7 weeks along spread among 5 plants. loving all this sunshine we've been getting with few clouds and long days. plants love it!How far along are you?
Yeah the weather is great. Although watering schedule is nearly every day or every day n a half but it's good. My oldest auto had a cola with mostly milky white trichomes and maybe 5%percent Amber or less and like 5% or less clear. All other colas are still clear turning milky white with one or two ambers so I harvested the cola that was ready and it wen up to dry. Could have done better trimming but hey it's my first time lol . For only a foot night plant I got nearly eighth off this one cola, wel we will no for sure when it's done curing after I dry in a couple weeks. Wish I could post pics from my phone, I'd show you guys. Question though, what is the chlorophyll taste supposed to be like? The plant has a pungent fuel like smell hinted with a sharp citrusy note. It's a low rider for sure. But besides that the strain is unknown. Oh FYI, I accidentally snipped a tiny bud when trimming the bottom of the cola and I smoked it raw. One if it were dry it would only be enough for one good sneak a time or one hitter. I had an hour long energetic head high. So yes this girl is potent.they're about 3-7 weeks along spread among 5 plants. loving all this sunshine we've been getting with few clouds and long days. plants love it!