Any PC Gamers Here On Rollitup?


Well-Known Member
the only thing that sucked about c&c red alert is that the game was only compatable for windows 95


Well-Known Member
Intel Core i7-975 Extreme : $450
(with motherboard)

GeForce GTX 590 : $700
(can run Star Craft II on 30" LCD at 130 FPS)
highest settings

1000 W power supply : $125

and Misc : $300$
case, heat-sink, fans ect.

best possibale computer on the market right now will cost you $1600 <<< if you build it your self

O yea you still need to buy you Ram and memory( i forgot about that because i always just gut my last pc when i upgrade and take the hard drive, ram, dvd drive ect.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
"computers they sell"

Well that's most likely your problem. Shop bought cmoputers tend to be shit because they are after the biggest profit margin there is. I've never needed more than 4gb of ram, and my graphics card costs £50 these days, loaded up crysis 2 1080p full settings, not an issue.

Just saying that a mid range 3 year old gaming computer that was built for gaming, and not profit, is still perfectly capable of playing it all :) A computer from 3 years ago with 8gb of ram and a poor graphics card sounds like a server pc more than anything else. When i bought it, i opted for 4gb because it was cheap as chips, but 2gb was the general level of ram in most computers built or shop bought. I remember gutting my dads office pc's for parts he'd have no use for :lol:

And 128mb video cards havn't been acceptable since idk, the 6600gt :D and that was because it was low level.

Don't mind me, i'm just a computer nut that has dealt with too many silly phone calls to talk to people rationally any more :D i should come with my own disclaimer


Well-Known Member
i havent played a pc game since command and conquer red alert (what a classic game) after that xbox playstation 2 and all that was better than the pc graphics at the time
The last game I played was Tomb Raider.

Check that, it is also the ONLY game I have ever played. :lol:

Steve French

Well-Known Member
"computers they sell"

Well that's most likely your problem. Shop bought cmoputers tend to be shit because they are after the biggest profit margin there is. I've never needed more than 4gb of ram, and my graphics card costs £50 these days, loaded up crysis 2 1080p full settings, not an issue.

Just saying that a mid range 3 year old gaming computer that was built for gaming, and not profit, is still perfectly capable of playing it all :) A computer from 3 years ago with 8gb of ram and a poor graphics card sounds like a server pc more than anything else. When i bought it, i opted for 4gb because it was cheap as chips, but 2gb was the general level of ram in most computers built or shop bought. I remember gutting my dads office pc's for parts he'd have no use for :lol:

And 128mb video cards havn't been acceptable since idk, the 6600gt :D and that was because it was low level.

Don't mind me, i'm just a computer nut that has dealt with too many silly phone calls to talk to people rationally any more :D i should come with my own disclaimer
Well now you break out the "gaming computer" part. Which my computer is not in the slightest. I couldn't be bothered to make one myself, or spend ten grand on a tricked out alienware piece of shite. I got consoles for gaming purposes, the computer is for internet and all those fancy applications. Being able to play games on the thing is just an added bonus.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, me just making assumptions based on the nature of the thread. God bless the legalization of alcohol. Doh, my bad.
It's awesome to see people playing PC games here! :D If you'd like, you can PM your Steam ID or other form of contact, and I'd be happy to join you in a gaming sesh.

Also, I think PC gaming bests consoles because it's raw graphical powarrr. I love to see the advancements in graphics, which is why I built my computer to try to handle most video games. The performance in any game trumps a console any day, and you can do other shit on that very same system you just played Crysis on. Not tom mention building computers is just something that is a fuckin blast. :mrgreen: I do however think that PC's are much too expensive if their sole purpose is only gaming. Technology moves so damn fast. :-(


Well-Known Member
people dont like new people asking for any personal information.

i read your posts and you seem legit but still.

your steam id can lead to your name.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Here is a scenario off the top of my head:

You are playing a game with newly med cannabis forum person, suddenly on jump a few guys who you're friends with, instead of greeting you by your online handle, they just use your real name or just chat about personal stuff as people do on most games these days.

Not the most useful scenario, would be ewffort to follow up on what you learn, but hey

Oh, and as to PM'ing someone else your information instead, well the issue with that is that you'd still just end up with our information when we replied and made ourselves known. It's a fact that police of various countries frequent this forum, so personally i'm growing cannabis, i like to get to know someone to an extent before just handing out details.

My question would be this, you are a stranger on these boards, if all you're after is stoner gamer friends then you shouldn't need to delve furhter than this link right here :)