Any pc gamers here wanna game soon?

Lets get down on some no mans sky. I'm really down for whatever. Been trying to find someone to get back into Tarkov
NICE! No Mans Sky is a blast since they fixed it. Just found a crashed 5 mil value ship (just a standard transport not a badass fighter)!
I've played a whole 5 minutes lol. But ill logon if you wanna game?
So the whole beginning sequence is irritating. I started on a frozen world with lots of environmental damage and died a dozen times before I could get off planet...then it gets fun
Anyone interested in playing world of warcraft? I've been playing on and off since 2007. If anyone is interested I can send out recruitment requests that will have great rewards for both of us.
I’m rocking fortnite and have the cod online shit if anyone wanna game. Gonna swag D2 remastered the 20th too if anyone down
I'm a Dark Souls / Nioh fan, right now I'm playing (just starting to learn it) in Hero Siege @Steam, at the moment only playing local, but looks nice for coop/online, sadly I'm running out of time to play almost every day, Novenber till March is used to be a more friendly time of the year for games and me.

Btw for dota lovers I want t share cool platform with dota 2 pro teams and all info about Dota 2 teams rankings. There is all info about upcomming matches and best players. As for me it's a useful platform for every gamer. Recommend
I would love to be playing 2042 or cities skylines right now in if GPUs weren't completely fucked in the dickhole price wise right now. My 1070 died a few days ago, and the "cheapest" card ATM here is a 1650 for $400-500 lol.