Any Phreakers or hackers from the 80's or 90's here?

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
Posted somewhere else but i think i'll get response here.

So I was looking through some old disks and found a disk i haven't seen in years. I poped it in and found box diagrams (red, blue, beige, ect) along with telnet numbers and a copy of Sub 7 server...those were the days. I never got into blackhat myself but my friend and I would play war games and hack each others systems to find a txt file (i think it said YOU WIN or somthing) I also remember being able to red box up until 2002....but now with voice over IP phreaking is a dying art...i remember using the payphone at school and would redbox the crap out of it...they removed it because of my free foreign calls...that was probably my largest hack, having a phone removed from an establishment.

Anywayz throw up your flag, all are welcome white or blackhat (or grey), figured we could use this thread to talk about the good o'l days when hackers ruled the world...



Active Member
the good o'l days when hackers ruled the world...
Man where have you been? Everybody is getting a box and most of them don't even have the good sense to at least use a router to act as a basic hardware firewall. More and more people are keeping sensitive data on laughably insecure portable devices that are often lost and seldom encrypted. Rainbow tables and distributed computing are making password hashes increasingly easy to crack. Most employees are still dumb as hell and easy to socially engineer.

Yet for those that care: public wifi, secure operating systems like openBSD, OTF disk encryption, and the development of increasingly sophisticated pseudonymous/anonymous networks is making the internet more anonymous and secure for those who can and do harden their box and cover their ass.

A savvy hacker with flexible morals can make far more now then they ever could in the 80s/90s. Your blackhat friend should be quite wealthy if he has stuck with it. Writing a simple crimeware kit can net you a good amount of easy to launder digital money. I salivate thinking about how much the author of zeus probably walked away with after selling source.

The digital sea is rich with targets for fun or profit whats not to love. I say fuck the good o'l days it's all about the here and now!

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
Hackers was what got me into Phreaking which was about as blackhat as i got...
That movie was full of errors that are easy to catch if you know the scene in pirticular when they are checking out Burns laptop Phreak says it has a 28.8 BPS modem it's not its a 28.8KBS modem, much faster

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
Man where have you been?
I was hoping you would chime in friend...yeah i have been out of the game since about 2001..i checked the disk and it was burnt April 1st 2001. What i meant by the statement 'when hackers ruled the world' was more a statement of convinence. Back when the internet was fresh you could hack a bank, DMV, basically anything connected to a phone was the wild wild west, back then if they caught you, they usually would offer you a job in security. Now everybody has a box (like you said), i personally would never rip off another PERSON...but a faceless corporation is fare game. Now a days hackers still rule the world but it's not the easter egg it used to be (IMO), I would love to get back into the scene but have no idea where to start....


Active Member
56kbs was fast when I got the first XT with 286 upgrade card. I 'hacked' a floppy game scoreboard to beat my son. Off topic but anyone know how long I can run R1 Windows 7 before slui.exe kills it?
Do not go off about Windows - linux! Linux is free, it is on drive when Microsoft kills the R1 Windows 7.


Active Member
It will get on all your disks
It will infiltrate your chips
Yes, it's Cloner!
It will stick to you like glue
It will modify RAM too
Send in the Cloner!