Any simple recipe to follow?

“First, you make a roux….”

In this case, cannabutter (cannaroux?), which you use to make foods.

There’s tons of recipes, they’re all simple. Most basic is 1/4oz / 1 stick of butter, scaling from there is easy.
Here’s how I do it:

Put butter in a glass pan to melt
Mulch the herb in a grinder
Add herb to melted butter & stir well
Keep butter temp ~160-180F
Stir well periodically
@40 min, add 1/4 tsp soy lecithin per stick of butter
Stir well, cover, turn off heat

When cool, place covered container in refrigerator overnight
Once the butter is hard, break it up and remove it from the container, blotting up the leftover water
Use or refrigerate

I like putting it through a series of reheats & cooldowns, it helps the lecithin & butter ‘digest’ the herb. The end result is, you can’t tell there’s herb in it by mouthfeel, and the flavor (I find) is subdued and pleasant:
REHEAT the butter just enough to melt it;
Stir occasionally
Repeat as often as you like

Most ‘recipes’ call for water, but butter is ~20% water, so it’s not necessary to extract the water-solubles - or to keep the butter from burning (just don’t boil the butter). At the very least you don’t need to boil it in a big pot for hours, you wanna add water, fine.

Most recipes also call for long cooking times, but they aren’t needed either, decarb will be accomplished in roughly an hour @200F

Be warned, I’m a kitchen geek, so none of this is set-and-forget: there are always butter-making machines.

COOKING WITH IT, OTOH, is a different beast; as there’s no way to strictly specify THC content in any random batch. The classic calibration experiment is to take (one of) your stick(s) of butter & make brownies with it. See how high y’all get off one, two, or three I”x1” brownies, figure out how many 1”x1” brownie squares you’ve got, and that gives you an idea of how far a quarter-ounce in a stick of butter will go.

I like to just smear some on cornbread, but that’s just me