Any Stoner Airsofters?


Active Member
Just as the title says, I've been playing for close to 5 years... any fellow airsofter's? I have a classic army m4 Systema torque gears, Dees Custom tightbore barrel, Systema bucking,mosfet, eotech, mag pulls, 8mm berings and 7.4 lipo! :clap:


Well-Known Member
I have the same exact gun. Used to be into it years ago, now the rifle and bag collect dust


Active Member
I prefer paintball.....not that fast paced crap with the blow up stuff....but like woodland courses or town or junkyard are fun


Well-Known Member
Damn dude, what made you stop playing?
No one else was into it that I knew except for a few and they were only into spring shit and messing around. I got all geared up and started going to games at Hollywood Sports Park and other local spots and no one else wanted to, so I ended up quitting going to games and just shot the gun here n there... that turned into me not even using the gun.

Loved Airsoft though, way more tactical then Paintball. Besides the amount of suckery it was to get thwacked in the back of the head by a sniper... fuck those Tanaka rifles!


Active Member
Yea I used to play speed ball but my buddy got me hooked on airsoft! I also have a WE TECH 1911 w/ madbull tightbore!


Active Member
That blows dude, sounds like you dropped some money! I'm in the mid west and its a pretty big community out here. Next year I want to go to Irene


Well-Known Member
I used to play also, back when I was in the MArines. We used to run around the barracks drunk shooting at eachother. But like Benassi, nobody I knew really played.

I had the Classis Army M4. Kept it basic with hicap mags and a red dot sight. I also carried a KWA Mac 11. It was gas but the only all metal full auto gas uzi I knew of. My side was a 1911 Blowback with 14rd mags. Used to have a lot of fun


Active Member
My bud has a MAC 11 its so awesome, yea I play with lots of service men and the dreaded pigs(I play vaped so I stay away from them), also a couple of EMT,


Well-Known Member
Yeah that MAc 11 was great to have. It got me out of a couple of corners. Just lean around an obstacle and spray in direction of enemy. You could unload both mags in less than a min if you were fast.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
It is always paintball for me if there is a choice, airsoft doesn't even start to compare to paitballs for fun, although certainly if you start spending the money airsoft can becomre a lot more professional and tactical and about aim etc, paintball, you just tend to spam the shit out of a certain direction :D

That said i do love my glock 9x19 that sits above my bed, although admitedly, it is almost 5 years old and has had 2 bottles of gas put through it and that's it. Works wonders at taking own spiders though, genuinely mean to pick up some ore gas. Also got my eye on a gorgeous little PPK that takes cyclinders in the handle, 've never ued such a powerful airgun as that, breaks windows, a tad scary for airsoft :D

What can i say though, a nation of guns is certainly nuts but i love guns!! My urrent thoughts are not so much airsoft but buying a really high end hunting air rifle (uk, else i would just pick up a normal rifle) and go see just how long i cna survive in a forest for before i have to jog off to the chippy :D

If you want affordable guns, goto hong kong :D When i bought my glock, the same piece was sitting at around £150 odd pounds on various online shops, i picked it up brand new for less than £30 with free gas and 2000 top notch bb's :)