Any thoughts on Aptus additives?


Dude at the grow store was all hyped about this new line thats just hitting the states. Anybody know much about it? It supposed to be usable with any base. Science seems sound, but I'm leery to jump in as the nutes are pretty freakin spendy. We are talking more then AN here. (If thats even possible) I was in a hurry and couldnt talk long, grabbed a brochure and peeked at the price.... Over 350 for a liter of this stuff, wtf.... and there are several products in the line. But it "supposed" to be SUPER highly concentrate and last quite awhile. Other then the price, cause I already know its crazy high. I'd love to hear thoughts and opinions.

Here is their link


I've been running aptus for over a year now and absolutely love it. I had gotten samples before it got cleared by customs and tried it around october/november of last year and haven't looked back. I use canna coco A & B as my NPK and run the entire Aptus additive line. I highly recommend trying it out. When they first got into Cali they had a small meeting at my local shop where their reps gave out 50 ml "believer pack" of 50 ml fasilitor and 50 ml startboost, not sure if the stores are still getting those samples, but i know of numerous growers who started with the believer pack and were convinced within a week of switching in veg. Fasilitor in higher doses in first couple weeks of flower will help prevent any unwanted stretching, and i now consistently get minimum 10-12 tops per plant after only topping once or twice. resin production is incredible as is general bud formation to odor. Hope I was able to help...