Any Thoughts On Whats Wrong


New Member
Hey guys,

The pictures below are of my grow at the middle of 3 weeks flowering. But one plant of them started to act very crazy just yesterday afternoon. Yesterday Morning it looked perfectly normal or at least I didn't notice the stress of the plant and problems it was having but a few hours later it become like a wrinkled old person, it went from young vibrant to old and wrinkle and dying. Below is Pictures.

Crop FAQs

GrowSpace: Attic 4' x 4' x 2'

Cooling: One 12 Volt Fan running at low setting which keeps a nice gentle breeze that helps stiffen stems and keeps plants cool under the metal halide.

Lights: 2 x 2x48" (40 Watt per tube and there is 4 tubes all together) Fluorescents aprox. 1" away from tops of plants and 1 100 Watt Metal Halide Flood Lamp aprox 2' above the tops of plants.

Nutrients: Orchid Blooming Fertilizer was used for Vegging because of high Nitrogen Content and lo content of other nutes. For Flowering I have been using 1 tablespoon of Colorburst per gallon of water (Colorburst is pre dissolved in water before the next feeding of plants)

Amount of Plants: 14 plants at aprox 1' 6" in height and 7 clones in a dome humidor.

Plants are watered every other day. And 1 Gallon of Water with Colorburst pre-dissolved is divided amongs all 14 Plants. The water was running very soft at over 8.5 ph and just recently corrected this problem in the last two feedings bringing ph down to 6.8. The plant that is looking sick is the plant I took clones from aprox. 4 days ago. Only one of the seven clones came from another plant because the plant in the pics immediately below was the largest.

Sick Plant Below:

Here are some of the Nice Healthy Plants. All the plants are from the same strain as the sick one except for one of them which I'll list below. All seeds came from smoked buds that I personally enjoyed and all seeds except one when starting with 15 seeds ended up being female. Yes 14 females from 15 seeds out. 2 Seeds from one very nice batch of bud and 13 seeds from a nice smooth batch we had.


Here is the one strain with 2 seeds got one female and one male.



Well-Known Member
The closest picture your plant matches to in the Cervantes bible is a N overdose.

If that is the issue then the book recommends flushing with a minimum of three times the volume of water for the grow medium and not adding ferts with N for a week.

Let's see what others think.


New Member
Ok so far I tested initial drain off ph and it was low 5's high 4's I drained the plant and now have the run off in the mid 6's at PH.

Anyone have any other ideas?

Also should I not put any nutes with the plant for the next few waterings? If I should put Nutes what kind?


Well-Known Member
You have been feeding and watering with 8.5 ph so i would say this caused that plant to basically collapse. Give it a week or 2 and it may recover.


Well-Known Member
hmm this looks like a classic case of someone going overboard with their nutes and not monitoring the plant. Think m. Jackson and conrad murray. I agree that u shud flush and use just plain water, I personally wudnt put anymore nutes at all but if u do wait about 8 or 9 days.


Well-Known Member
That you did it in flower has an effect on the buds at the end. Yes you need N in flower, but too much? And man it effects trich production and the result is a second rate product. This has been my observation in my own grows. Perhaps yours will end well.


Well-Known Member
you can not test ph using runoff , its just not accurate enough. an you can not change the soils ph even if you try. this is all gonna take awhile. DO NOT FLUSH !
one "flush" will kill her for sure. that will over water her an since she aint eatin right , the water will cause more root rot.

you have to get your water schedule straitened out first. your giving them all the same amount of food an water , but they all are eating differently.

She is for sure slightly overfed an it seems to me , that the pot is not drying up enough to handle more water.

do not give her ANY water till she is thoroughly dry. then give her strait water as needed till she starts looking better , then you can go back to adding food. no need to ph the water either. tap water or any water is fine. the ph of any water you get will be between 6 an 8 an thats fine.

the ph will be determined by the dirt. no exceptions. no matter what ph you water with the dirt will buffer it to whatever the dirt is, period.
ph'ing the water can, over a very long time , alter the ph of the dirt , but its a very slow process. (one cycle of mj will not change it enough to worry)

you say it was 8.5 then you say it was 4 , so that shows just how inaccurate your tests are. its not your fault though cause everybody will tell you different.

soil :bigjoint:


New Member
Thanks yeah I haven't watered her again and her soil is still moist but she is hanging in there. The day after this post she looked almost dead but her leaves have opened a little still looks like she hanging on to life by a thread but she doing it. Question though if she doesn't seem to perk up in the next few days is it possible to still dry the small buds there and smoke em or will it be crap?


New Member
I was actually thinking about this reading through more of your threads actually. Also let me say thanks for all the great info and fuck the people who are out to give you a hard time for the hell of it.

Pop the sick plant and take a look at the root system. Betcha it's toast.


New Member
So I just checked her out and her leaves were so dry they are crackling so I pulled her out of the pot sprayed down the roots to get a clear look and yeah the roots on her look piddley. They were like small fine hairs and not really and big off shoots from the main root system. Plus after cleaning they stayed very brown. So now Imma dry the premature buds. Will they be ok to smoke