Any tips on growing stealth or LST or Topping ill try to get pictures camera not work

so what ive got is some nitrogen solution i dont know what it is just nitrex from organicare and some marine cuisine fertilizer i dont know much about it my friend just gave me it in a little plastic bag and i have a little plant in a PC grow box about 2 feet tall and 3 feet long and 8 inches wide the plant is 6 days old i have one 23w cfl on it right now i have two of them for flowering i know i wont get the best yield im just looking for something till spring anyway there both 2700k 1100 lumens lights and im not sure what to do with the nitrogen i gave it about 10 drops in a gallon of water and im watering the plant with about 1/2 a cup of water which should give you an idea of how small it is right now but the first real leaves are coming out and the size of your finger nail the whole thing looks healthy and im planning to top it and lst it to keep it small im looking for any experienced growers or people that have just had good luck to help me with some advice and maybe some pictures or links to there grows im really wanting this to work but if possible ill just keep it inside under this light and probably both soon in this area and when its nice out in about 2 months ill flower it outside