Any tips welcome

Smokin fat joe

Active Member
So, these are the 4 plants i got going. They have been in the ground since early June, didnt see alot of growth till July. We had alot of rain. They dont seem to be as bushy as most quite yet, could be just that they havent fully matured. I do have 1 worry, I feel as if maybe I've topped/fimmed them too much?? By counting it looks as if ill eventually have 24+ tops on each. Might of got a little chop happy. With that being said it has also probably delayed some growth as well. I have 2 pictures of each plant. And the next post is a real skimpy plant I have(has a few spots on leaves). Which is still questionable. P.s. they received first feeding of fox farm trio 2 days ago. Tell me Whatca think about all of it.


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Well-Known Member
Looks pretty good bro. Should be growing like crazy now. All that topping/fimming slowed em down a bunch probably.USER_SCOPED_TEMP_DATA_orca-image--484392703.jpeg_1562688405001.jpeg I would trim off these bottom leaves/branching. They're not getting much sun but the plant is still using energy to keep em alive. Trim them off and it won't waste energy on em, but will put that energy to the rest of plant.
Other than that I would probably let them be for now.

Smokin fat joe

Active Member
Alright, yes it's a lower branch but its trying to get up to the top, it has 2 tops on that branch as well, still think I should cut it? That particular branch sees all the morning sun. Been thinking aboit cutting it myself


Well-Known Member
Alright, yes it's a lower branch but its trying to get up to the top, it has 2 tops on that branch as well, still think I should cut it? That particular branch sees all the morning sun. Been thinking aboit cutting it myself
Nah maybe not then. Don't cut the whole branch. Leave the double tops that it has. If there's a little side branching under the tops, take those off. Them really dark leaves on the bottom I'm pointing at can prob come off.

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
They look healthy enough.... I chop the hell out of mine most years and it does not slow down the growth. I'm thinking its probably the soil they are in. Maybe too compacted. Try a raised bed with lots of compost next yr and you will probably see a difference.

Smokin fat joe

Active Member
The soil could for sure be improved, was a mix of what I had around. Dug out some good sized holes tho, had alot of worms. Going to Definitly try to trim the bottoms up a bit more in a few days, and make a last desperate attempt to clone em. I tried twice now with no results, everything died. Its been pretty hot. This attempt im going to just leave the cuttings in a container with water for 15days in my window to see what happens.

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
The soil could for sure be improved, was a mix of what I had around. Dug out some good sized holes tho, had alot of worms. Going to Definitly try to trim the bottoms up a bit more in a few days, and make a last desperate attempt to clone em. I tried twice now with no results, everything died. Its been pretty hot. This attempt im going to just leave the cuttings in a container with water for 15days in my window to see what happens.
Good soil = happy roots.
Happy roots = happy plants

Some plants take longer to clone then others. Humidity is key for me. I have to keep a dome on them or I can't get a clone to live.

May I suggest finding some composted manure and adding it to your soil? I grow in 100% amended manure and this is what they looked like last yr at this time. (I took this yr off)2018-07-13 22.17.05.jpg

Smokin fat joe

Active Member
Good soil = happy roots.
Happy roots = happy plants

Some plants take longer to clone then others. Humidity is key for me. I have to keep a dome on them or I can't get a clone to live.

May I suggest finding some composted manure and adding it to your soil? I grow in 100% amended manure and this is what they looked like last yr at this time. (I took this yr off)View attachment 4362916
Those look great, I just need to try something new. My other method with a cup as my dome, none lived

Smokin fat joe

Active Member
I read this article (lol) that mentioned just leaving the cuttings in a piece Styrofoam(it floats keeping tops upright ) with holes, in a container with water in it and it was almost fail proof. As long as the roots had water. Said the roots would eventually fill the container if left. Had pictures
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too larry

Well-Known Member
I read this article (lol) that mentioned just leaving the cuttings in a piece Styrofoam(it floats keeping tops upright ) with holes, in a container with water in it and it was almost fail proof. As long as the roots had water. Said the roots would eventually fill the container if left. Had pictures
I've grown roots using upside down Styrofoam coffee cups floating in an aluminium tray with a couple of air stones going. More than one way to skin a cat.

Smokin fat joe

Active Member
So its been almost a week later. Cleaned up the bottom on the first plant.(last pic) And my 2nd one is showing male.(first 3 pics) I also posted a pic of my veggy garden its doubled in size since july 1st. A pumpkin plant( picture doesn't do it justice) and Skimpy(still not sexed) is pic #5.


Smokin fat joe

Active Member
This is what I got going on for cloning lol. Waiting for results still. Haven't cut the male yet, but it appears to be 100% male. How do you normally dispose of them? I'm worried if I cut and throw it on my burn piles it'll pollinate my other girls. The trash can, the trash guy would see it.. Maybe.. So just ditch it 5 miles down the road? Lol



Well-Known Member
I read this article (lol) that mentioned just leaving the cuttings in a piece Styrofoam(it floats keeping tops upright ) with holes, in a container with water in it and it was almost fail proof. As long as the roots had water. Said the roots would eventually fill the container if left. Had pictures
how long did it take for roots to appear there joe

Smokin fat joe

Active Member

how long did it take for roots to appear there joe
I haven't had any roots appear yet, but it claimed from about 15days-1month. Would be about normal time, sometimes taking a little longer if your patient enough. I'll look for the article and paste it in here.


Well-Known Member
I tried doing it once, lost patience after about a fortnight and give up,looks like I need to give it a bit more time

Smokin fat joe

Active Member
So, clones did not make it the course of the trial. LOL I have 2 newer ones that, I may try inside. Getting a little late in season now. Skimpy ended up being a male. Here are the 2 girls I have left, the 2nd one I put a cage around because it kept getting wider. Considering doing the same with the 1st. Any thoughts? I keep getting lower branch's shooting out low and wide, and not cutting anymore! Lol


ky farmer

Well-Known Member
So, these are the 4 plants i got going. They have been in the ground since early June, didnt see alot of growth till July. We had alot of rain. They dont seem to be as bushy as most quite yet, could be just that they havent fully matured. I do have 1 worry, I feel as if maybe I've topped/fimmed them too much?? By counting it looks as if ill eventually have 24+ tops on each. Might of got a little chop happy. With that being said it has also probably delayed some growth as well. I have 2 pictures of each plant. And the next post is a real skimpy plant I have(has a few spots on leaves). Which is still questionable. P.s. they received first feeding of fox farm trio 2 days ago. Tell me Whatca think about all of it.
moor feed and water will make them grow.