any trick to check for water

tom mix

Well-Known Member
having hard time knowing need for water, when top gets all dried out? weight of pot ? wilting? mabey let them wilt check how heavy it feels and when watered. they say no dumb question mabey this is one
simper fi

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Many times when this happens your plants have become large enough in soil to need transplanting. If you can't seem to keep them watered enough because the root ball keeps hardening up forcing you to overwater them it's time to put them in a larger pot. Lifting the pot after a good water tells you how they feel full so you know if they feel light they are dry. To be sure just stick a finger in the soil; if it's dry down deep they need water. The soil should stay as moist as a damp rag all the time but never soaking wet. If you have to water everyday to keep them moist they need to be in a larger pot. Should never let them wilt if you can help it but it's better to under rather than over water them. If you grow in smart pots consider putting some kind of vessel underneath and pour the water in the bottom to allow the roots to pull up what they need; bottom watering is a great way to be sure all the roots stay moist without getting too soaked. It's okay for the top of the soil to dry out a bit but it's really bad to let the bottom of the root ball get dry. You can mulch your pots to help retain moisture too; I use straw and pine bark nuggets.


Well-Known Member
Best to hire a few botanists and when 2 out of 3 say to water, you water. Or go with above.

tom mix

Well-Known Member
there a couple weeks in flower, small plants with a lot of super cropping, in 2 gal pots so this is a test to see if i can fill up a 3 x 3 foot area with 9 pots under a 400 watt hps, so repoting would defite my goal, where do i find thesebotanists, YOU KIDS!


Well-Known Member
there a couple weeks in flower, small plants with a lot of super cropping, in 2 gal pots so this is a test to see if i can fill up a 3 x 3 foot area with 9 pots under a 400 watt hps, so repoting would defite my goal, where do i find thesebotanists, YOU KIDS!
I like your idea to let them go to wilt. Especially if they are in veg. You'll learn some good stuff. Just check on them often. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
First you strip down completely naked and fill up a small wash basin with water. Next you have to squat down until the tip of your penis gets wet. Stand up and wait for it to dry, use a stop watch to time how long it takes. After you have that number post back, there is a formula to figure it out from there... note: if your butt gets wet before your penis then you don't have the balls to water correctly.

I always go by weight. I just tip a pot when im checking them. You get a feel for it, shouldn't take long. Follow the signs, check it evert day if it looks dry feels light and looks like the plant might be starting to wilt a little, water it. They need water mote often as they mature and fool or the pot


Well-Known Member
having hard time knowing need for water, when top gets all dried out? weight of pot ? wilting? mabey let them wilt check how heavy it feels and when watered. they say no dumb question mabey this is one
simper fi
here ill sort it out for you so a 3-5 ltr pot u would wanna feed around every 4-6 days in soil with a 2-3 week flush but then again it depends what u a drowing in the lights u are useing also the temps


Well-Known Member
let them wilt check how heavy it feels and when watered.
simper fi
I always recommend this method. You can count the days to wilt and have a good estimate if you want to go out of town or whatever.

Also, about a pound.

Thanks for your service.