Any US seed sources?

Token Dankies

Well-Known Member
All of the ones I had contact with have been banned from ig or their website has been taken down. Just looking for a place I can buy seeds from inside the US for decent prices. Thanks for the help

Thank you kind sir
All of the ones I had contact with have been banned from ig or their website has been taken down. Just looking for a place I can buy seeds from inside the US for decent prices. Thanks for the help
Look at this before making a decision

Terpy seeds has some high end stuff on sale. has some thug pug in stock
Hahaha yeah I've been down that road before, I'm not trying to light a fire under my bean habit again. I once had 5k worth of beans and tons of equipment and once I let that go it broke my heart. For now I just need some simple beans for a simple setup.

Addiction is an odd thing at times but I definitely couldn't stop buying seeds. My old account way back when was King Arthur and a bunch of sock puppets from my younger less mature days just so you know I've been here lurking for years.
All of the ones I had contact with have been banned from ig or their website has been taken down. Just looking for a place I can buy seeds from inside the US for decent prices. Thanks for the help
Ya well we been hard pressed to get any box through the mail service being so slow. They are still dependable as ever just slow. Lately I go to the PO here in town and buy a postal money order with a big priority mail envelope and track it. Address it GLG as directed and drop in the blank mo with separate paper for order number. Bad Dawg ships fast and tracked. The best thing is he always throws in some amazing freebies. Granted the seeds I buy there are well worth it but the freebies are a special side treat. I'm enjoying a Star Dawg J x Long Bottom Fighter and it's a real competitor. That's it just a satisfied customer - greatlakesgenetics