Any Veterans get cards in CT?


I am a veteran with two of CT debilitating conditions. The VA is my primary for medical care and Drs there are prohibited from recommending or documenting Medical Marijuana for patients. Best I could get my Dr to do was add MMJ in my pharmacy records. So with that said Vets have to find or use outside Dr for recommendation. I was wondering if there were any other Vets or people with similar constraints that have gotten card.

on a foot note my wife's practice (large affiliate)has made the stance that none of their Dr will recommend MMJ until federal laws allow so....

I see the feedback for Dr in Monroe and possible clinic in West Hartford, but that's all I have found. Any help,or guidance is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I got mine from the doctor in Monroe. I did 3 pumps to Iraq and hit by a IED. I brought her all my VA paper work along with proof. Got my card.


I got mine from the doctor in Monroe. I did 3 pumps to Iraq and hit by a IED. I brought her all my VA paper work along with proof. Got my card.

First off thanks for your service.....I will do the same and give her a call, I damaged spinal cord in navy in 70's VA does OK by me...wish they would/could embrace MMJ. While I use for spinal cord spasm, I also have PTSD episodes still and the MMJ is only thing that helps without making me drool myself.

PM me if you want to talk off line, glad to help fellow Vet..
go to the clinic in w. hartford and tell them your symptoms and send your medical history records to them before in... $200-250 later you should have your card :)
Hello guys, BoneDoctor here..I'm new to Rollitup, i love coming here for peoples feedback on many different topics. My question...I'm a Veteran rated 70% ptsd by the VA, will that in it self be enough proof to get an MMJ Card? Also will my benefits I'm receiving from the VA be at risk? Any information shedding light on this matter would be greatly appreciated.