When I was around 10 found a QP in a rolled up book in a tree. I didnt even know what it was.
',,,,,,,,,,l,,,,,,,,,l,,,l,l,,,,,l,l.l,l.l.....l.... Duno wot happened therIn texas last year or the year before there were like 5 huge duffle bags full of pot dropped out of a plane...they just dropped the stuff because the plane was going down...all I know is that onbody would ever have known if one of those duffle bags had hit my place...I would have just quietly taken it back inside for my life long personal enjoyment...
Shit like this only happens in Texas. Y didn't u get out on the hunt?
U did say "nobody would have known if it hit my place" they certainly wouldn't if u wer nowhere near it . Ur so misleading wen ur blazedWell, I am nowhere near texas, but the idea that someone could drop a duffle bag full of marijuana on my roof, kinda made me think about moving...
Nice lad...who threw this shit ....burglars.....the homeowners!?My neighbors unknowingly to me turned there entire house into a grow house(Somehow 4 air conditioners and the smell of weed didn't ring a bell). One day i was riding my ATV and I saw some one throw 2 large garbage bags over the fence. It was strange so i went up and opened them and they were full of untrimmed plants!!! Score for me!! Dont know the final weight after trimming but there was alot.
I found a wallet last year that had a little over $2200. in it - but unlike you I returned it to its owner, a lady. She was crying & trying to give me a reward but at the same time telling me how she needed it to pay the rent & get food for her 4 year old daughter. I refused the money - couldn't look her daughter in the eye & take it.found a wallet with a few hundred bucks payed my electric for the next month or two and bought some grade A smoke!!
Nice lad...who threw this shit ....burglars.....the homeowners!?
Horrible at sneaking haahaahaaa wer u Australia .can u b horrible at sneaking?The growers Im guessing they were taking it somewhere else to trim it. They were horrible at sneaking around. Right after i got the bags i started paying attention to them and it was sloppy. They got busted a few months later, with about 150 plants in the house. Not because of me.