Anybody Else puttin off a crapload of work?


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one reluctant to finish all the work I leave 'till Sunday night?

I have a ten-page paper that isn't getting written anytime fast. And it's not even that I can't do it, I just don't want to. It seems so pointless, there's no gain from it. Senioritis kickin in hardcore...


Well-Known Member
DUde, don't eff up at the end...

I got two years till i graduate, and i'm already f*cking up... Then i got grad school...

I got a paper due on wednesday im gunna write tonight... smoke a fat bowl and do your outline... then it'll be easy


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm tryin not to...but it's just hard. I'm goin to France next semester, so it's like...this isn't even counting almost (even though i know it does). And this is pretty much my last assignment. Maybe i'll give it an all-nighter and just do it. Who knows. If i don't get it done, there's sitll time later, so i'ma just go do what i

peace yo, good luck w/that paper.

mr j2

Well-Known Member
procrastination= i've had a math project to do over break and its 4 AM (and ive been up since 8:30) and I have still yet to do more then ten hours of any homework. AH. too late i guess :/