Anybody Else Totally In Love?


Well-Known Member
in my case, perhaps its the fear of pissing her off and stiring shit up and her get me busted. even though it takes much more than love i supose im there.


Active Member
Hope I'm not off topic but I didnt love anything till I started loving my Kid(s) even then it took about 2 years to kick in, powerful stuff love.


Well-Known Member
what's it been, 16 years?

my wife crawled outta bed this morning and looked beautiful. i really love her. :hug:

anyone else feel this way about their significant other or am i just crazy? :mrgreen:

I aint married .....yet ,, But yea Im buku crazy over my girl..... I get hard at work just thinking about her ..


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah I'm totally in love. I've only been with her two months and I've never been in love before this. But, if this ain't love then I don't know what is. It's impossible not to be happy when I'm around her. I have fun no matter what we do together. The other day we went to do laundry and I pushed her around the place in a laundry cart. Then we played some mortal kombat ( I kicked her ass). Then we got home and had a karate fight (I kicked her ass again.):-o Today we took a walk around this lake and for some reason she wanted to hold hands and skip. Everybody was looking at us like wtf:shock:. Yeah, I'm totally in love.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Hell yeah I'm totally in love. I've only been with her two months and I've never been in love before this. But, if this ain't love then I don't know what is. It's impossible not to be happy when I'm around her. I have fun no matter what we do together. The other day we went to do laundry and I pushed her around the place in a laundry cart. Then we played some mortal kombat ( I kicked her ass). Then we got home and had a karate fight (I kicked her ass again.):-o Today we took a walk around this lake and for some reason she wanted to hold hands and skip. Everybody was looking at us like wtf:shock:. Yeah, I'm totally in love.


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah I'm totally in love. I've only been with her two months and I've never been in love before this. But, if this ain't love then I don't know what is. It's impossible not to be happy when I'm around her. I have fun no matter what we do together. The other day we went to do laundry and I pushed her around the place in a laundry cart. Then we played some mortal kombat ( I kicked her ass). Then we got home and had a karate fight (I kicked her ass again.):-o Today we took a walk around this lake and for some reason she wanted to hold hands and skip. Everybody was looking at us like wtf:shock:. Yeah, I'm totally in love.
Wait till she loses it and lights you on fire :fire: Just kidding, good for you bro. I'm in love too! No woman anymore though :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I first looked at the man that was soon to be my husband there was just that feeling.... and 25 freaking years later were still going strong. When you get old together you become the best friends in the whole world, you can say anything, do anything and still know that it's you two against the world. It's GREAT!!! Oh and the old our bodies have changed, would not want to see that in some under ground porno THAT"S FOR SURE!!


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah I'm totally in love. I've only been with her two months and I've never been in love before this. But, if this ain't love then I don't know what is. It's impossible not to be happy when I'm around her. I have fun no matter what we do together. The other day we went to do laundry and I pushed her around the place in a laundry cart. Then we played some mortal kombat ( I kicked her ass). Then we got home and had a karate fight (I kicked her ass again.):-o Today we took a walk around this lake and for some reason she wanted to hold hands and skip. Everybody was looking at us like wtf:shock:. Yeah, I'm totally in love.

Me too, and we are going on 4 years, :) :D.... Im happy because of her a lot even if she isn't around!


i've been with my woman for 14 years and still she's my favorite person in the whole world. she lets me do whatever and does'nt bitch too much. thats great also she has the biggest heart of anyone i've ever met, i think i'll keep her


Well-Known Member
i've been with my woman for 14 years and still she's my favorite person in the whole world. she lets me do whatever and does'nt bitch too much. thats great also she has the biggest heart of anyone i've ever met, i think i'll keep her
Sounds like your a smart man... :)

MMMM Grape Ape Hash on top of some Sensi Star.... mmmm :smile:


Well-Known Member
I've been dating a woman who has live around the block for so so many years. we were friends as kids but stopped talking when she started going to a private school. then one summer i landed a job and it turned out she worked at the same we made plans to hang out.

we decided to go for a walk through our neighborhood and ended up staying out until 1 am talking and we did this for the next week, staying out later and later just talking. then one thing led to another and we started dating. I've been with her for a year and I consider her to be my best friend, I'd always go to her for anything over anyone else..even to hang out. and I'm in love with her, I can't see myself with anyone else or without her in my life in general; no matter what happens. we're best buds and in love, it's great =D


Well-Known Member
I've been dating a woman who has live around the block for so so many years. we were friends as kids but stopped talking when she started going to a private school. then one summer i landed a job and it turned out she worked at the same we made plans to hang out.

we decided to go for a walk through our neighborhood and ended up staying out until 1 am talking and we did this for the next week, staying out later and later just talking. then one thing led to another and we started dating. I've been with her for a year and I consider her to be my best friend, I'd always go to her for anything over anyone else..even to hang out. and I'm in love with her, I can't see myself with anyone else or without her in my life in general; no matter what happens. we're best buds and in love, it's great =D

Yeah... spanking at the stop sign.... at the fridge.... everywhere..... whoops, wrong thread, oh well, sorry...


New Member
i think i am but i'm only turning 18 in a few months so i could be completely wrong
i almost feel like a bad influence for getting her started smoking but now the only thing we fight over is my now ex-best friend because shes a bit of a manipulative bitch

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Bye, thanks for playing.:rolleyes:
i think i am but i'm only turning 18 in a few months so i could be completely wrong
i almost feel like a bad influence for getting her started smoking but now the only thing we fight over is my now ex-best friend because shes a bit of a manipulative bitch