Anybody familiar with this led light?


Well-Known Member
Patience grasshopper, you just posted the question.

I've never used that light nor have I ever seen anyone using it. The page is.lacking details and didn't list tech specs...what is appealing about this light in particular?

I recommend spending some more time researching these threads and checking out the lights some of the community members are using and go from there.

Good luck.


Active Member
Amaximus you joined April 2012. I used these forums 8 years ago or so and believe me, they are not nearly as good as they used to be.

Puff thank you. I don't like how it doesn't post the specs but I have gone in to that shop quite a few times and have bought a lot of products from them. My tent, lights and nutes are all from them and recommended by them. The guy is quite knowledgeable but I always prefer a second opinion to things I don't know much about which wasn't the case with the other products I've got from them.

I have just checked on my girls today and saw they need some new pots.. The 1 gallon is full with roots now so I'll have to get them much larger pots. The two sweet god girls have blown up the last week in size as well as the strawberry cough. My critical kush is just about to have a growth spurt as she is the smallest and has recently just started getting nutes. I could give her another week before I re pot her but I may as well do her at the same time as the others to keep everything organized and even