anybody good with MYSPACE?


Well-Known Member
builing a big beautiful profile. backround, any added info people what to suggest, wallpaper, what's a blog?


Well-Known Member
i need help making this the best friend you would ever want on your myspace. i don't know the first thing about how to do that. anyone wanna help me?
another site (like myspace) is up an rising...its called, I was a myspacer' then I found facebook...much more interactive...u can tag photographs in other ppls portfolio etc...have a gander!


Well-Known Member
so i want to put pics on the left side of my profile. i don't know how. it goes in the interests area but i don't know how to load a pics code or where to get it. anybody?


Well-Known Member
Damn, I wish my brother was here he's on that myspace ALL THE TIME and I'm sure he could help ya!

Maybe if you still need help tommorow i could have him take a peek.



Well-Known Member
FDD , check out

there , go to my space layouts... they have thousands to chose from

copy and paste code to your about me file

do the same to delete code and just change when wanted

not to hard but confusing first time for me


Well-Known Member
becareful of myspace ....I have recently gotten a few trojans from them. They do not have any sort of security for be careful...I no longer use my myspace as of last week...damn trojans!


Well-Known Member
you know i've been getting spammed with alot of porn in my myspace message box. discreet but still porn. and everytime i log on to that site my dial-up window pops up. i'm on cable. ??????????


Well-Known Member
You just paste this in the section you want <img src="put image url here"> . Peace

this is for photo bucket pics, correct. i'm stuck on photobucket also. i've loaded pics but can only view them as a slide show and i can't figure out how to use them once i load them.

thank you everyone for your help.:peace::joint::joint: