My scalpel blades showed up. Just hacked one up to fit the RBA coil head. They cut like butter with the dremel, all clamped up good of course.
#11 turned out to be the perfect size too. Glad I didn't go bigger. Even the angles and everything match up to the RBA terminal posts, like it was f'ing meant for it. I knew they would too. I trimmed it enough to fit for a test run. Had to heat the blade to bend the tabs 90 degrees to fit in, so they don't snap.
Negative on the first test...
The problem, is all my mods register it as a shorted out atomizer. Too much metal. Gonna have to cut and hollow it out a little more, until I take enough material away so it will even register like a wire coil at all, with the proper resistance, etc. Shouldn't take much I hope.. I might need to use a more powerful vape mod unless I really trim the blades up good, not sure yet. When I get home later I'll get it right, and hopefully see a red hot scalpel blade, instantly with the push of a button!
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View attachment 5266139
^ Gonna trim more material away like this.
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