Anybody growing with HID?

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
They're brighter and hotter. You should have a cooling system that's separate from the grow room air with most. They're notoriously good for vegging while being second to the average HPS for flowering. There are, of course, enhanced spectrum versions that can compete with HPS's.


Well-Known Member
hot (not as hot as newbies think though), but grow big good buds.

lets say you are good enough to grow 0.5g per watt, which you probably will, at least someday, use half again the wattage for your required smoke.

say you need 300g´s every 2 months, get a 600. somethinglike that.


Well-Known Member
mh is fine, grows more potent bud but less of it.

the ballast is cheaper, but the bulbs are more expensive than hps (around here) and last only half as long.


New Member
Best spectrum less and much easier to control heat than hps and emits uv which accentuates potency...When I switched to it from cfl's it was EASIER to control the heat than the cfl's were

here's a great deal on a mag coil what I have and I love it


Bulbs and info:

More cmh info than you could

There are vertical versions as well as horizontal: there are also some out for regular metal halide ballasts

Also you do not want to use them in sealed hoods or cool tubes as the glass will block the uvb produced which we truly want for potency accentuation

Hope it helps and I love my cmh setup



Well-Known Member
Snakier, you didn't do ANY research before trying to grow weed? Whats the deal with that, you just want people to spoon feed you the information you need? Try doing some actual WORK...and DON'T come to MY thread and start talking shit, because you are making false, uneducated statements....Just cause you heard someone else say it, doesn't make it true...Maybe try READING about the subject, assuming they taught you to read before you dropped out of 2nd grade. Good luck with your grow, BUDDY.