Anybody here from the Vancouver BC Area? I have a few questions!


Active Member
Last year in Nov. I visited Vancouver BC on my way to Whistler BC. While in Vancouver, I talked to a few locals that told me about a secret shop that sold cannabis at a good price for decent herbs. I am going back in mid Dec to snowboard in Whistler. I was wondering if anyone knew of anymore of these secret clubs and if anyone would be interested in sharing? I will tell you where the one is that i found if you tell me of one!

I just dont want to get there and have the one secret club i know about to be shut down~ I could never find anything decent just walking around asking peeps. Please Message me or post to help me out! Thanks for your time!!! Happy Smoking~:joint:


Well-Known Member
Well im actually from victoria myself, and take the ferry to vancouver pretty frequently, and i even know what "Secret Club" your talking about. But i have had some bad experiences in the past by opening my mouth about this sort of thing. The way that i came about this place was actually just by the word on the street, and eventually i got some street names. Word of warning though, some of the sorts that hang about there aren't too friendly, ya heaR?


Active Member
I know what you are saying, they told me about very strict rules I had to follow in order to buy from the "Secret Club". What street is the one your talking about on? I want to see if the one i went to is still open?


Well-Known Member
hey bud. i tried to pm you but i think you need more posts or something befor i can send the message.
but anyway, ya i can help ya out. not here though. when we can sgare pm`s then i will. i`m not dure why i cant send one and you can send me one. look into it.