Anybody Passing Hair Folicle Test???


Well-Known Member
if anyone knows a good method or product please let me know

its for my dad he last smoked about 3 weeks ago


Well-Known Member
damn you tommy chong
I just found a site called
hope it works

apparently started by a couple of scientist who helped make the current test used today, that now make a product.


Well-Known Member
Read up on reviews from people before buying it. I don't know anything about it, but I'd research before buying.


Well-Known Member
I had really good luck with body cleanses from about 6 times over the last 7 years. They sell hair shampoos and hair toxin removal but I have never tried them and have no idea if they work.

I will swear by the body cleanses but you better set up a TV and a pickup truck worth of TP in your bathroom before you start.
Also the saline solution you drink near the end might stop your heart it tastes so fucking NAFF, like earwax and salt poured into a bag of ass holes.