Anybody Plant Seedlings outdoors?


Well-Known Member
i have a number of seedlings that are about 7-8days old...wanna drop them outside in the ground...holes with soil put in. whats this is big No?


Active Member
It's fine, seedlings are actually pretty tough. Do you have a way of growing them inside? or did you get them from a friend or something? If you can keep them inside for another week or so it's probably better but they arent going to die if you put them outside. Cannabis grew before humans cultivated it :).


Well-Known Member
indeed...ive just never seen anybody on here do it...Nah i had them nursing in the closet but i had way tooo many...talkin like 30 down to 4 now.. and i gave them all great homes but just asking incase there's something i couldve done a bit better.
the holes should be pretty big if you want it to have full potential... like 2x2x2 ft. and kind of a good distance from root to root if you can


Active Member
I put some out at 12 days old. Week later they're thriving.

Note-Plot depth isn't as important as width
I guess the main thing is a heavy rain killing them...I'm kind of paranoid of that at this point though because we've had some recently

(assuming uve dealth with keeping herbivores away)


Well-Known Member
Doing mine in solo cups from seed outside and then into the ground. So far my single transplant is doing well. The other two will get planted in a couple weeks I suppose, depending on how much root mass they develop in the cup. This is my first grow, but all seems to be going OK so far.


Well-Known Member
Started seeds march 14 this year in 10g.. Sexd and planted by 4/27... Cold starts do great makes them wicked hardy. Already 4-5ft range and charging


Active Member
I'm glad this question has been asked. My girls are only going to be 8-9 days old when they go in the ground. From the experienced guys, What is better. Starting them in a small hole/cup?, or ,starting them in the same hole that they will stay in until harvest?


Well-Known Member
If its a seed I would wait till you sex it unless its a f1 fem then I would put it in the ground but if the sex is unknown I would put it in a 10g pot so it's growth won't be stunted. And wait till you can sex em then dump the females in the ground. That's what I'm doing. Mine are about 10-14 days old and they were jus random seeds so I'm waiting for them to show signs of sex.