Anybody seen a strain called snowclone


Well-Known Member
Years back a grower in Humbolt was growing a bunch of a strain called snowclone and it was an insane sativa of sorts. It would make 75% of people paranoid and trip balls. People would ask for other weed because they said that weed was too strong. One of my homies even said he almost lost his job because of it. Another one of my friends would have terrible panic attacks where he thought he was having a heart attack and dieing!! that same thing happend from smoking that same weed with him like 3 times! i though he was just on a placebo so another time I smoked him out on the same weed and told him it was diffrent stuff and not 25 minutes later THE EXACT SAME THING HAPPENED!!
To alot of people i guess this strain would sound un appealing but for me I loved it! I can handle it... sorta lol, but i have been searching for this high ever sense.

Anybody know anything?? No info online


Well-Known Member
Why don't strains like this exists anymore?!
Everything i have smoked in the last 3-4 years is uncomparable to the one time i had some original haze from a surfer along the california coast and this snowclone my boy used to get packs of from a grower in Humboldt.

Where the fuck is all the REAL good weed these days?